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Leadership is the ability to guide people towards a foreseeable goal or towards achieving an objective. Ethical from the word ethic translates to values, ways, or norms that are accepted by society as clean and healthy. Thus, the blend of ethical leadership translates to the ability to guide people towards a foreseeable goal through means or ways that are perceived as healthy and acceptable by society. Ethical leadership holds integrity as the core value, it influences the leaders to take responsibility and claim accountability in the corporate culture. In its organizational structure the key implementors who happen to be the board members, human resource managers and chief officers comply and conform to ethics and the corporates culture (Yukl et al, 2013). This translates into empowering employees as well as helping the corporate understand the importance of employing ethical leadership principles in ethical issues and day-to-day activities while combating the business dynamics.

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I learnt that the fundamental changes over the last three decades that have contributed to the development of the Australian economy have been adopted during the execution of the Conformance involving Australian Labor Union administrations and the labor movement. To address fundamental economic challenges, I saw that, organizations pledged to lower pay results and assist the shift to worksite negotiation in exchange for social assistance advantages for employees, which succeeding governments have upheld. These changes enhanced work economic growth and allowed enterprises to fully implement into worldwide markets without jeopardizing the concerns of employees and their families, allowing economic disruption and social discontent to be controlled. Contrary to the claims of some Australian employer organizations, studies consistently show that union participation in workplace negotiation has a positive influence on corporate efficiency. However, dwindling participation poses a substantial threat to Australian organizations' future potential to manipulate economic results at the state and work stages.

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Social media policies are essential in businesses in ensuring employees understand what they are permitted to induce themselves into and what they are not permitted to get involved in on social media channels. A good social media policy helps curb any legal or security issue while defending a company's reputation on social media channels while encouraging employees to be involved in promoting the company's reputation online. However, many companies fail in organizing well their social policy in a simple, straightforward, accessible and up-to-date format to grab employees' attention and ensure they read and understand it. They fail to realize that the social media policy goal is to emphasize essential conduct to prevent future misunderstandings and spoilt reputation online. It is not intended to frustrate or discourage employees from being involved on social media.

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Over the years artists have come up with some of the most bizarre works of art; ever since the fifteenth century spreading through to the 21st, different artists have used different methods, styles, material and perspectives to create the best artifacts known to date. The 16th century marked one of the most pivitol eras in art history with some of the most prominent paintings having their origin within this time period. The portrait of cosimo i de' medici and of that of Pierantonio Bandini are some of the renowned mentions from this period. Keep in mind that both the artefacts are of Italian decent; this fact speaks to the kind of artistic genius which existed in the area especially when mentions like Leonardo Da Vinci’s monalisa are considered. The aim of this paper is to present a visual analysis of cosimo i de' medici and Pierantonio Bandini while analyzing this artistic era.

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Coral bleaching refers to the biological process that occurs as a result of corals getting stressed by changes in conditions such as temperatures, light, or nutrients, which causes the expelling of algae living in their tissues that makes them turn completely white. Additionally, experiments and observations show that coral bleaching occurs as a result of elevated seawater temperature under high light conditions, which leads to increased rates of biochemical reactions associated with zooxanthellae photosynthesis, producing toxic forms of oxygen that disrupt cellular processes (Coles & Brown, 2003). Corals are a type of calcareous rock, which is primarily made off the skeletons of minute sea organisms called ‘polyps. Accumulation of the skeletons of these lime-secreting organisms is what results in the formation of coral reefs and atolls. Classification of coral reefs is done based on the nature of its shape and mode of occurrence in three categories. The fringing reef is a kind of coral reef that develops along the continental margins or along with the islands. Barrier Reef is the largest, most extensive, highest, and widest reef among all kinds of coral reefs. This type of coral reef is formed off the coastal platforms and parallel to them. Atoll reef is a ring of a narrow growing chorus of horseshoe shape and crowned with palm trees. This type of coral reef is found around an island or in an elliptical form on a submarine platform (Anwar, 2017). Zooxanthellae are plant-like organisms that live in the tissues of many animals such as some corals, anemones, and jellyfish, sponges, flatworms, mollusks, and foraminifera. Such microscopic algae capture light from the sun and convert it into energy just like in plants, in order to provide essential nutrients to the corals. They are species members of the phylum Dinoflagellata. They usually form a symbiotic relationship with other marine organisms, especially the coral (LaJeunesse, 2020).

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The development of human beings begins the moment they are born and then continues throughout an individual’s life span. The most significant influence on the child’s development is the environment surrounding him. Thus, social and cognitive aspects regarding a child’s development become molded at a very young age. Also, while at this early age, development of speech, language, motor skills, and perception occurs (Santrock, 2007). As a result of the influence from the child’s surroundings, the families of the child will have a significant influence on the child’s development, specifically the parents. Later, when the child starts attending school, the atmosphere of the school will as well influence him. As such, the new atmosphere will have a greater influence on the child’s social skills and cognitive development. Thus, this paper discusses child development and challenges faced by children as they grow.

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With the changing climate, there is a need for the aviation industry to adapt to climate change which means airline companies need to take action to prepare for and adjust to both the current impacts of climate change and the expected future impacts of climate. Although initiatives had been introduced to help cut net global emissions to zero by 20250, greenhouse gas concentration is still on the rise and is expected to keep on rising in the coming decades, and an increase in the average global temperatures is also likely to rise. Consequently, heating of the temperature will result in all kinds of risks such as a change in wind patterns, heatwaves, droughts or floods, and coastal erosion caused by rising sea levels. The aviation industry is responsible for an approximated 4.9% of man-made global warming over the last 20 years (Happonen & Rasmusson, 2020). However, measures have been implemented to help reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) gas emissions from international aviation by initiating the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation or CORSIA, which aims at stabilizing CO2 emissions at 2020 levels by requiring airlines to offset the growth of their emissions after 2020 (Chao et al., 2019). Also, other measures to be adopted by the airline industry include developing lighter, more fuel-efficient aircraft, engines and developing alternative fuels that are less CO2 intensive, improvement of infrastructure, use of more efficient flight procedures, weight reduction from airline operations, use of market-based measures (MBM), among others. Thus, this paper critically analyses how the aviation industry will need to plan and adapt due to climate change.

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Access to medical care in the U.S is among the significant problems facing its healthcare system. Access to medical care is usually associated with income and affordability, which means only those who can afford the medical care are the ones who will receive the care. Timely access to medical healthcare services may be affected by three attributes of the healthcare system. These factors include the cost of care and its affordability for people, the burden from the administration that individuals face when obtaining and receiving care, and disparities or inequalities in the delivery of care based on income, educational attainment, race or ethnic background, other non-clinical personal characteristics. Studies show cost, administrative burden, and disparities can demoralize an individual from seeking or continuing medical care (Schneider & Squires 901-904). Individuals with lower educational levels or minority status are significantly affected as they don't get the medical attention others get. However, provision of appropriate insurance and reduction of both administrative burden and disparities are essential strategies for achieving a high-performing healthcare system.

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Cartesian Dualism is a philosophical concept which argues that the mind and body are not identical. According to this philosophical concept, the body and brain consist of extended, divisible substances, while the mind doesn't. As per Descartes's perspective on Cartesian Dualism, bodies (extended things) don't think while minds (thinking things) are non-extended. This affirms that minds don't assume any physical space while bodies are non-thinking things; thus mind can't be related to any physical thing. Although mind and body are different things in an individual, the proper functioning of a human body needs the two entities to work concurrently and in an intricate manner to bring out the effective functioning of a human being. This philosophical idea was developed by Rene Descartes after discovering that both material and immaterial worlds exist in an individual. Basing on his postulation, the mind is made of an immaterial world, and the body is made of the material world, and the interaction of the two brings out a rational being.

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In this essay, I will focus on showing that James Rachels claims pertaining to the moral difference between active and passive euthanasia or causing one’s death is likely to be wrong. In validating this thesis, I begin with an overview of passive and active euthanasia, which will be supplemented by the AMA statement on it, followed by an outline of the argument presented by Rachels on the understanding of this statement. The AMA statement and Rachel’s argument about it will form the basis upon which I will argue that a morally relevant difference exist between actively and passively causing someone’s death, unlike the stance taken by Rachel.

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Solidarity is one of the fundamental human needs that is crucial for the survival of people globally. The modern moral philosophers have found means of describing solidarity in the current environment which translates to a well-established routine (Gaztambide-Fernández, 2020). Similarly, solidarity has been used frequently in political scenarios to promote unity among the people. On the contrary, some authors have used theories to describe solidarity. According to Dean, (1996) solidarity can be defined based on several theories. One key framework is the critical social theory which maintains that solidarity is about reciprocal practice. In other words, reciprocity is considered the base of solidarity when one is capable of giving life to another person. Currently, one key project that has focused on solidarity is the pep talk which is an online platform that is used to pass various encouraging messages to young people. Peptoc art project was established by two teachers namely Jessica Martin and artist Asherah Weiss. The project started in West Side Elementary school in Healdsburg, California. The first impression of Peptoc was the creation of posters and flyers drawings that are charming. The project also adopted an online platform that has gone viral offering word of encouragement among the users. Therefore, the current essay's main focus is an analysis of the Peptoc project.

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Elderly people tend to experience medical problems most often as a result of weakening immune systems as they age. Diabetes is among the most common medical complications that the elderly face in the U.K and all over the world. Diabetes mellitus commonly known as diabetes is a medical condition used to describe diseases that affect blood sugar levels in the human body. Glucose plays a crucial in a human’s body since it provides energy to the body. Diabetes among the aging population appears unique as compared to other populations. In the elderly, the pathophysiology of this disorder differs, so the therapy approach should be different too (Meneilly, n.d). Diabetes incidence and prevalence increase with age for a number of reasons. It is evident that genetic influences play a role in this disease (Kahn, 1994, Pg. 1066-1085). Therefore, in families with a history of diabetes, the risk of developing the disease increases with age, though no gene responsible has been identified. Additionally, certain ethnicities are more likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes than others, indicating a genetic predisposition (Lipton et al., 1993, Pg. 826-839).

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