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Language as a Prerequisite of Freedom

Language is the most comprehensive communication system that any animal and man use. Freedom is the power to think, speak and act as one wants; however, there are essentials such as language that make freedom possible. A language must be created via social interactions for space to be realized (Charon 135). In addition to language, mind and self are other perquisites of freedom. Our social life directly impacts our beliefs, making a language that requires a social interaction a prerequisite for freedom. Social causes and beliefs further pose a significant influence on whatever we do. Therefore, it confirms the analogy discussed by (Charon 134) that what humans think is not something they choose, control, and determine. The fact that beliefs determine what we do makes it impossible to be free without social interaction, which eventually yields to the language used to control one's thoughts and actions.
In support of sociology, psychology puts more emphasis on control rather than freedom (Charon 134). Control is achieved due to a cause that demands we look for freedom and the reasons outside the cause of liberty. For instance, for the case of increased Mexicans who have migrated to the United States for trading purposes, sociology requires us to seek answers as to why the United States has attracted a significant number of businesspeople from the country. In every society, there exist broken people and people who have succeeded in the business world. To understand why a small group has achieved control of the societal economy, we first start with the cause. Therefore, the "why" question is vital, and assuming free leads to an empty understanding of the case (Charon 134). 
Even though freedom cannot be measured or proven, sociologists can examine human qualities that might favor controls over actions and beliefs. Proofing of this fact may be difficult as many people, including sociologists, strongly still believe that humans are often active, and at no point can they be passive. We still hold that we are self-controlled rather than controlled, which is a fallacy in reality. Furthermore, many individuals still believe that human beings live by making choices rather than responding to stimuli (Charon 135). 
According to sociology, society remains the main reason why freedom exists, making social equality among the perquisites of freedom. As stated earlier in this paper, social interaction is necessary for language; thus, language is also a prerequisite for freedom. Mind and self are also dependent on society (Charon 135). The language system, to a significant extent, is the reason for socialization occurrence. Language is a set of symbols designed, understood, and used by human beings. It is an international tool used for communication, and often it cannot be created by nature, rather than the people themselves. With the help of language, we can teach other people internationally what we have understood. For instance, in a market place, several people converge to exchange goods and services. Without a common language, the is no communication between the parties intending to trade their goods or services. In communicating with other parties, learning occurs as individuals know new languages that will enhance their freedom to interact and socialize internationally (Charon 135). These new languages learned from the interactions and socialization enable the participating parties to rise from simple stimulus-response associations within their environment. As we learned the new languages, we tend to think and internalize them, which will force us to control ourselves in the background and take control of the domain. Thinking to some extent gives self-control and freedom instead of non-thinking, which makes people doom to respond. Therefore, it is evident that thinking enables humans to define their state of existence, control their actions and their working environment, and weigh options that may exist for intended actions to be performed. 

Thinking does not outweigh the existence of controls, as earlier shown in the paper. Freedom is equally dependent on control as it depends on thinking. It is noted that the presence of several societal forces still controls action and reflection. Similarly, when socializing in society, we tend to the learned new language system. The new language system is essential in aiding us to think to a considerable extend about our own due to acquiring some controls from society. When thinking with a language's help, we can understand, interpret and analyze various situations before acting (Charon 136). Additionally, we can appreciate the feeling and thinking of those we are interacting with, understand the consequences of our actions, and consider available actions before choosing one path using language. 

Conclusively, from the above analysis, it is evident that it is challenging to have freedom without using language to determine one's actions, behavior, or thoughts. The language system is the only means that individuals can teach each other how to think and express their thinking. It is also noted that language is necessary for thinking to take place. Freedom depends on making from individuals’ thoughts. Since language controls these thoughts, it limits their freedom.
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