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Invasion of the native land by the Europeans majorly disrupted the norm of the aboriginal population which the native people reacted to differently. The newcomers arduously imposed their ways to the first nations in the quest to eradicate their cultural beliefs. In the beginning, the Europeans posed as genuine traders who solely cared on improving the native people status. Leaders facilitated the signing of treaties which would officially seal the partnership between the two parties. Initially the natives had robust cultural practices which guided their day-today lives. On the other hand, the Europeans sought to endorse their practices to these groups.

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The history of Indigenous peoples in Canada is one of resilience, adaptation, and negotiation in the face of rapidly changing economic and social conditions. The book "An Illustrated History of Canada’s Native People" by Arthur J. Ray provides valuable insights into the experiences of Indigenous groups, particularly the Cree and Blackfoot, during the pre-treaty period and the subsequent impact of numbered treaties. When the Europeans started flocking the aboriginal territories, the natives viewed them as a progressive venture which led to unreserved partnerships. The newcomer Europeans disguised as traders mostly concentrated on the fur trade rather than settlement.

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Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) offer a platform for advancing the achievements with the millennium development goals (MDGs) while making development broader in scope than it was under the MDGs. While moving from eight goals and 22 targets under the MDGs, countries and the world as a whole are now pursuing an ambitious agenda for sustainable development with 17 goals and 169 targets. As a result, the 2030 Agenda for SDGs has given yet another chance for the Caribbean to further its sustainable development vision. Most Caribbean nations face considerable challenges while trying to achieve SDGs 1 and 2. This is because such nations are usually poor, and so, they face a huge challenge while trying to achieve SDGs 1 and 2, whose main goals are to eradicate poverty and hunger. Caribbean nations face challenges such as poverty, poor infrastructure, political instability, poor technology, and lack of resources.

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Today, most organizations are constantly in search of new methods to improve the performance of their employees with the aim of achieving better financial results (Saraswat and Aora, 2016). The use of different incentives is among the ways to increase the commitment of individuals and teams. The contemporary theories like the Motivation-Hygiene theory by Herzberg postulate that no-monetary reward may be as sufficient for this purpose as monetary methods. This essay aims to explore how non-monetary rewards can influence employee retention.

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What you eat and drink can really change you, not just in diet or size but also your mental capacity. In this modern era, caffeine has become one of the most consumed drug in the world. Too much consumption of caffeine has raised a need to develop an extensive number of experiments to find the effects of caffeine on cognitive functions. Several researchers have shown that coffee improves the cognitive functions of individuals. However, other studies have indicated that consuming coffee has zero correlation to cognitive functioning and no improvement is recorded upon its consumption. In a study review, the researchers explained that the usage of a certain amount of coffee improves cognitive functions (McLellan et al. 294-312). Based on the authors' argument, 1, 3, 7-trimethylxanthine is absorbed faster and reaches all tissues within a short time. As such, the compound can efficiently reach the brain due to its ability to cross the brain barrier. Within the brain, it exerts different effects such as increased attention and activity, among others. At a metabolic level, the compound has been shown to block adenosine receptors. The receptors are expressed in the brain and the neighbouring tissues. The authors noted that blocking the second subtype receptor enhances the stimulatory impacts of dopamine on motor activity. Direct modulation of the first adenosine receptor is realized with the ingestion of about 32-300 milligrams of caffeine. Coffee beverages contain a phytochemical called caffeine. Roasted coffee berry seeds from a coffee plant are the source of the ingredient. Coffee has been used to manufacture various drinks since immemorial time.

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Rome brought a significant change to the world; the construction of a indicate network of roads connected to Europe and helped establish three governmental branches. Rome's role in the world is seen in the satirical Monty Pythons" Life of Brian". According to an old saying, "Rome was not built in a day". It took several years for Rome to be built by Greek. Rome succeeded as an empire through the influence of the Ancient Greek civilization. Rome adopted Greek concepts of knowledge in literature, art, architecture, and warfare, which positively impacted Rome. Ideas of warfare, Religion, literature, Education, and language and art played a significant role in developing future civilization. Greek was the center and founder of civilization in Rome. In this essay am going to discuss the period when Greek culture influenced the development of Roman civilization: Religion and mythology, Education and language, and Architecture with Art.

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The play Macbeth written by William Shakespeare is among one of the few plays that everyone could enjoy watching due to its fascinating act which is flawless and the connected flaw of events in the play. I always enjoy watching the play especially the violence in the pay is fascinating for example fighting scenes during acting looked real and executed accurately by actors. The play was written during era of corruption in Scotland. The play presents a story about a great warrior who turned wicked. This occurs after the warrior was put under spell by witches and getting influenced by his wife and the urge to become king was also high as well. After watching the play, I got areal glimpse of the play and was able to get a life lesson that abuse of power has always to emergence of corruption. Kind Duncan trusted Macbeth, and this trust at last lead to King’s death as he was murdered by Macbeth when a sleep, defenseless and no one to guard where Macbeth posed as guest before he did the evil act.

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Balloting rights in the United States of America has always been borne of struggle. Women have not been voting for the past 100 years, and this has been a challenge to most women as they were declined a right to vote. This encouraged them 7 to battle out for their right to vote 100 years ago. A hundred years ago, women fought for a constitutional right and against segregationist and discriminatory Jim Crow laws in the south- echo as American women kept on working against voter suppression and complete access to the polls. On August 26, 1920, the U.S Secretary certified that the 19th amendment to the constitution had been ratified by the required state 36 states (Wolbrecht, C., & Corder, J. K. 2020). Women were given a chance to vote after the amendment of the constitution, and this impacted women positively to start vying for positions, as discussed in the essay.

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Physical geography (otherwise called topography) is one of the two fields of geology. Actual geology is the part of regular science that manages the investigation of cycles and examples in the indigenous habitat, for example, the air, hydrosphere, biosphere, and geosphere, instead of the social or constructed climate, the area of human topography. It covers different types of highlights that are normal. The above type of highlights is talked about under different parts of topography. The physical geography parts include geography, hydrology, glaciology, biogeography, climatology, meteorology, paleogeography, coastal geology, oceanology, quaternary science, scene nature, geomatics and ecological geology. They usually vary from one region to the other depending on the various factors that are going to be discussed in the section below. In this paper, the significant accentuation would be on examining and differentiating the physical geography in Uruguay and Bolivia while tending to human cooperation and ecological issues in the two nations.

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Trifles by Susan Glaspell Trifles is a one-act play by Susan Glaspell in the early 19th century during the women's suffrage era. It is a story about a woman who killed her husband and generally the candid relationships between men and women. There are several strong symbols in this play; for example, when the attorney, sheriff, and the two women were at the house for the investigation, they noticed that all of the kitchen preserves were broken as a result of the cold in the house. The preserves symbolize fruitfulness, youth, and sweetness. The cold that broke the preserves symbolizes the coldness of Mrs. Wright's relationship, which eventually led to her breaking point. The glass that houses the preserves is a symbol of Mrs. Wright as well; it depicts that the situation was already broken.

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Corporate innovation entails the out-of-box thinking within the corporate environments (Barman & Potsangbam, 2017). It involves coming up with ideas that enable a company to reengineer its products in a way that is different in terms of quality. It also refers to division innovation or business model innovation. The company might want to have changes with its products, its division, or with its business model depending on the prevailing factors of the market. Most corporations carry out innovation with an aim of growing or differentiating themselves from their competitors. There are several factors that may help a company determine whether it needs to innovate. First, it depends with the consumers. Millenials and Generation Z have dynamic needs. Companies whose main consumers fall under the two groups need to carry out innovation especially when the number of the company’s current consumers start to decline (Skinner et al., 2018). The second aspect involves carrying out an assessment of the market the corporation is currently operating in to determine whether there are needs to innovate such as all competitors applying the same business model. In regards to this, there is a need to conduct a research on whether innovativeness of a corporation affects its financial performance.

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In this paper, "fat-phobic discourses" in physical education are looked at in terms of how they are made and always changed by students who are "fat" or "overweight." People who have been overweight or obese at some point in their lives say this is true. There has been vast literature discussing how fat students deal with their bodies in fat-phobic classrooms, through the use of feminist post-structuralism, queer theory, and feminist fat theory. Mainstream media has shown that weighting and measuring overweight people is meant to make them feel bad and punish them. People who have a "fat phobia" make sex and gender more normal, the literature says. Literature also shows how some kids deal with their fear of fat in physical education by not doing certain physical activities that they don't like, and in some cases, succeeding at them.

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