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Plutarch, who is regarded as the first modern biographer and the greatest biographer of the ancient world, was born in central Greece a hundred years after the death of Julius Caesar. His main interest was the characters of the most powerful and popular figures and how these figures made history. Plutarch's interest was the story of the collapse of the Roman Republic, which occurred between around 100 and 30 B.C. With his great interest in these famous figures, he carried out a lot of research and did a lot of reading, which enabled him to write a biography of ten powerful and famous figures in Rome who lived during the collapse of Rome. Some of these powerful people were Pompey, Caesar, Cicero, Brutus, and Antony. Thus, this essay main factors that led to Caesar's ascendancy to power and his ultimate demise, as narrated in the biography of Julius Caesar, "Plutarch's Life of Julius Caesar," written by Plutarch.

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Metaparadigm is a set of ideas or theories that highlight the structure of a discipline's functionality. The nursing discipline comprises four basic concepts that address the nursing responsibilities, the patient's environment, the patient's well-being and health, and the patient as a whole (Yoost & Crawford, 2019). Despite several nursing theories, the four are the main nursing metaparadigms that collectively demonstrate how medical health and individuals' well-being are interconnected. Diverse researchers have published several frameworks and models which try to explain the four-nursing metaparadigm. This essay will focus on Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model's analogy to the four theories mentioned above.

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As a demagogue, Julius Caesar always assumed a role of a hero by leading common people as they wanted. Through his political office, Caesar was able to evade criminal prosecution and courageously accorded favors and lands to his creditors. This is seen when he got rid of his creditors, who had held him up by sureties' methods. He also exiled Marcus Bibulus to his home in regard to the threat of violence and advanced to rule as a sole Console for some time. In order for him to maintain loyalty from crucial political allies, Caesar used agreements, oaths, written documents, pardons, debts and endorsed the idea that he was benevolent. Being a demagogue, he provided a democratic environment for his nation. As a ruler, Caesar further managed to expand Rome's territories, consequently making Rome an empire from a republic. Caesar was as well able to come up with conditions for a later extension to make his kingdom one of history's fantastic realms. He also changed the Roman government and society by being a sole helper to those in legal difficulties. Other than being victorious against political allies, he also enrolled additional patricians, and added the number of quaestors, aediles, and praetors, and provided reinforcement to those who had been disgraced by official action. As such, various leaders emulated Caesar's leadership since it was inspiring and exemplary.

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In Texas county, ESF-5 Emergency Management is not only organized in accordance with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) but also upholds the Incident Command System (ICS). For emergency management to be effective, it has to cover all mission areas, which include protection, prevention, response, recovery, and mitigation (Canton, 2019). It also requires comprehensive plans and procedures, personnel and material resources, operational facilities, and effective communication to make it as effective as possible. Other than coordinating with the primary case agency and the Texas Division Emergency Management (TDEM), it also includes other state agencies, non-governmental organizations, institutions of higher education, and private sector partners.

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The movie Book of Eli, released on 11th January 2010, is centered around the main character Eli responding to the voice of God, which instructs him to take the last Bible west, and he obeys God by doing as instructed. As he journeys on, he meets Solara, who becomes our lead actress and at last partners with our hero. In the movie, the antagonists are Carnegie, who opposes our hero Eli by forcefully taking the Bible from him. The directors of this movie are the Hughes brothers, Albert and Allen Hughes. These directors also directed the film American Pimp which was released in 1999.

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Today, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a significant role in most economies, especially in developing countries. The majority of businesses worldwide are as a result of SMEs, and they play a vital role in the creation of employment and global economic development. Currently, approximately 90% of businesses and more than 50% of employment worldwide is as a result of SMEs, and they contribute to up to 40% of national income (GDP) in developing economies (Keskġn, 2010). Therefore, as SMEs grow in size, there a need for the entrepreneur to evolve and adapt to the changes as fast as possible. It usually takes a special kind of individual to make an entrepreneur and formulate an idea, and put the same idea in action. To be an entrepreneur, you have to be ready to take risks and see the reward, not the risk's negative side.

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Recently, the debate “Defund the Police” has been a widespread reconvening public outcry in the whole of United States. This slogan originated from the “Black Lives Matter” activists and the police reform advocates, and it appears to be becoming more rampant among the politicians, mayors, and municipal councils. Instead of funding the police who are using excesive force on Blacks and mistreating civilians, we should defund the police since defunding the police will provide room for resources to be utilized in other important programes such as education and health care. Currently, a debate is ongoing on whether we should defund the police or not. "Defund the police" is a term used to mean reallocating or redirecting funding that is found in the police department to other organizations that are funded by the municipalities. Therefore, defunding is not abolishing policing as many might think. Many people want to see the rotten acts of policing being chopped down and other roots replanted. Defunding the police is used in reducing the violence and crime taking place in the police. The current paper makes arguments based on a given debate “American Police Reform” on the motion to defund the police. The debaters are Paul Butler who is on the side of yes, we should defund the police, Jason Johnson who is on the side of no, Rafael Mangual who is against the motion that we should not defund the police, Sue Rahr who argues that it depends on what does “Defund the police” implies, and Vikrant Reddy who is against the motion. This paper presents a debate on why should defund the police.

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George Orwell’s short story “Shooting an Elephant” is a non-fiction narrative story based on the personal experiences Orwell had while working as a police officer in Burma with the Indian Imperial Police. Orwell utilizes figurative literature devices such as symbolism, imagery, irony, metaphor, simile, and many other literary devices to express the theme of British imperialism, fear of humiliation, colonial resentment, the performance of power, taming of the colonized subject, police power, and natural life in his essay. Thus, this essay focuses on the literary analysis of George Orwell’s essay “Shooting an Elephant”.

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This proposal aims to seek funds to help research and demonstrate the intricate relationship between Autobiographical Memory and Self-identity as based on the effect of diabetes mellitus on patients with Alzheimer’s disease. A long-standing debate has been ongoing for decades over what exactly is the cause of Alzheimer’s disease, how can it be diagnosed properly, and if its cure will ever be found. As reported by the HealthDay Reporter, one in nine Americans with the age of 45 and older talk of experiencing thinking declines (Steven). This shows that Americans with the age of 45 and older have autobiographical memory problems that could probably lead to Alzheimer’s disease. The United States Alzheimer’s patients are provided with the prognosis according to the symptoms and changes in behaviors that are depicted over time in these patients. Currently, there no definitive tests that might give medical professionals with solutions as to what causes this disease and if there is a method to cure it (Yiannopoulou &Sokratis). However, with the use of neuroimaging, observing, and postmortem autopsy, scientific researchers in the medical field are nearing to finding the solution for this problem. HealthDay Reporter also reported that one of the earliest signs and symptoms of impending Alzheimer’s disease or dementia is noticing a decline in mental abilities such as forgetting who you are. With the increased number of Alzheimer’s disease patients, there is a need for more research to be done on this disease and its relation to autobiographical memory and self-identity (Vanderveren et al.). As such, I seek a grant to further the research study of how diabetes mellitus can affect the aging brain and also discover if there is any correlation to those that have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

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Today, teaching requires more than just writing lesson plans and presenting the information. A teacher is currently perceived as a facilitator who engages students in the world of discovery and learning. As a teacher you have to think about objectives and they are usually threefold: (i) what are the standards established by the school’s system, (ii) how do you want your students to achieve and master these standards, and (iii) which activities are you going to design and present to your students so that they learn, according to the learning style, and master the content?

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An article on auditing and assurance services, majoring on legal liabilities is selected for this assignment. The article, seventeenth edition, was published in 2020. Reading through the article, I was able to gain a lot, especially on accounting and financial, legal liabilities.

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Opioid abuse is not a problem for the poor, a Hispanic issue, or an issue for blacks. It equally affects the lives of the poor and the rich, the whites and the blacks. While many would argue that it more directly crept at an unprecedented pace into white American houses, the issue's complexity is not easily contained in racially motivated agendas (McInerney, 2019). This article will review and respond to two peer-led research pieces to get to the bottom of the issue, which neither discriminates race nor social status in the United States of America. It will majorly focus on the evidence-based factors to overdoses, societal views, social factors contributing to overdoses, and the mitigating factors.

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