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Learning journal part B


I learnt that the fundamental changes over the last three decades that have contributed to the development of the Australian economy have been adopted during the execution of the Conformance involving Australian Labor Union administrations and the labor movement. To address fundamental economic challenges, I saw that, organizations pledged to lower pay results and assist the shift to worksite negotiation in exchange for social assistance advantages for employees, which succeeding governments have upheld. These changes enhanced work economic growth and allowed enterprises to fully implement into worldwide markets without jeopardizing the concerns of employees and their families, allowing economic disruption and social discontent to be controlled. Contrary to the claims of some Australian employer organizations, studies consistently show that union participation in workplace negotiation has a positive influence on corporate efficiency. However, dwindling participation poses a substantial threat to Australian organizations' future potential to manipulate economic results at the state and work stages. 

I noticed that the judgment of the then-trade association demonstrates that the labor movement had an appropriate reform role in labor relations. The "Costs and Earnings Settlement," or the Agreement, codified a deal signed between the Australian Labor Union authorities led by Paul Keating and Bob Hawke. The Australian Board of Union Movement was the country's "sole maximal union federal state" at the time, as Wright et al. (2020) noted. Consequently, moderate pay rises were decided to encourage job creation while reducing rising inflation. The time was distinguished by a "social pay" organized as welfare programs and tailored taxes and a contributory pension system in labor relations that required equal payments from employees and employers. Another distinguishing feature that I learnt was the effective wage constraint, which ensured that employees could not request wage increases. Consequently, unemployment surged in the nation during 1990 and 1991 due to the global economic downturn. 

I managed to learn that controlled decentralism in wage-setting also defined the time, as there were changes away from established wage setting and toward restructuring. Later, a partial accrual method for calculating salaries was implemented (Wilkinson et al., 2018). Managed devolution involved uniform salary increases across industries. Finally, corporate bargaining, implemented in 1991, can be based on rewards and this my help me in the future in defining basic standards across all industries and occupations. 

According to an article published in the New York Times on April 8, 2022, headlined "Production Lines Increasingly Tainted by Forced Labor in China, Board Is Told." I learnt that the human rights advocates and others encouraged the Biden government to cast a broad net to stop importing items created in Xinjiang using forced labor. On Friday, human rights groups, liberal activists, and others asked the Biden leadership to support a planned ban on items created using forced labor in China's Xinjiang province, claiming that enslavement and intimidation contaminate firm supply networks throughout the area and China more widely. 

The Uyghur Compelled Labor Protection Act was implemented by President Biden in December and is slated to take full effect in June. It prohibits the importation of items created in Xinjiang either with connections to sanctioned companies or initiatives and the transportation of minority employees to worksites, except if the importer can prove to the US authorities that its distribution channels are devoid of slave labor. It stays to be seen how strictly the rule is enforced and if it affects only a few firms or many more. Wide reading of the legislation may question several of the items that The United States purchases from China, accounting for even more than a third of the global manufacturing. This might lead to more commodities suspensions at the US border and I will be able to apply this knowledge in the future to curb the slowing product supplies and increased inflation.

 I saw that the statute demands that in the following months, a task group of Biden federal authorities generate various lists of businesses and items of concern. It is unknown how many enterprises will be named by the government. Still, trade analysts believe that many companies that rely on Chinese manufacturing will learn that, at minimum, some component or basic component in their distribution networks may be traced back to Xinjiang. 

In Germany, I think that codetermination recognizes the right of employees to participate in the administration of the firms for which they operate. The current legislation on codetermination is contained primarily in the Mitbestimmungsgesetz of 1976. According to the legislation, employees can elect officials to approximately half of the controlling executive board (Page, 2018). The regulation is distinct from the Aktiengesetz, the fundamental German company legal Code for corporate entities. I found this amazing since it extends to both public and private firms with more than 2,000 workers. One-third of the management committee must be selected in enterprises with 500–2,000 workers. 

I learnt that the workers elect a labor board in firms with five employees. It is always a free choice to form a worker committee. Nevertheless, the relevant statute (the "Labor Charter Convention") does not indicate that a labor committee may be chosen. Still, it specifies the amount of staff over which a works committee is chosen. To the employer, the labor administration protects all workers' concerns. It can reach "labor contracts" with the employer, which are legally binding contracts that govern the work environment in the firm, such as salary supplements, working hours, professional growth, or corporate pension plans. 

The composition of the labor union is defined by the number of members of the organization: it starts with a single individual in small businesses with up to 20 workers. It develops in size according to the organization's size. Organizations with 100 workers, for instance, will have five persons on the governance body; those with 250 workers would have nine. With approximately 7,000 workers, a works board of 35 individuals is chosen, and even larger groups are feasible. 


I believe that participants of labor relations are permitted to conduct their tasks during the working time if required and are still compensated with no salary cutbacks. One labor union person is totally "freed" from their job obligations in enterprises with more than 200 workers. In reality, this implies that the person of the governance body works completely and full-time in workplace relations business while maintaining their usual income (Keijzer et al., 2017). In firms with much more than 500 workers, the amount of full-time labor committee members grows. The labor council has additional legal codetermination privileges and the ability to execute firm agreements. Suppose a German firm has a labor body. In that case I will restrict the employer to make regulations for the beginning and finish of work time, breaks, lowering, or extending working time without first contacting the works committee. 


Keijzer, T., Oost, O., & Van Ginneken, M. (2017). The ECJ Erzberger case: an analysis of German co-determination and EU law. Eur. 

Company L., 14, 217. Page, R. (2018). Co-determination in Germany-A Beginner's Guide (No. 313). Arbeitspapier. 

Wilkinson, A., Barry, M., Gomez, R., & Kaufman, B. E. (2018). Taking the pulse at work: An employment relations scorecard for Australia. Journal of Industrial Relations, 60(2), 145-175. 

Wright, C. F., & Lansbury, R. D. (2020). Employment relations in Australia. In International and Comparative Employment Relations (pp. 103-125). Routledge.

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