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SUBJECT: Nordstrom social media policy analysis. 



Social media policies are essential in businesses in ensuring employees understand what they are permitted to induce themselves into and what they are not permitted to get involved in on social media channels. A good social media policy helps curb any legal or security issue while defending a company's reputation on social media channels while encouraging employees to be involved in promoting the company's reputation online. However, many companies fail in organizing well their social policy in a simple, straightforward, accessible and up-to-date format to grab employees' attention and ensure they read and understand it. They fail to realize that the social media policy goal is to emphasize essential conduct to prevent future misunderstandings and spoilt reputation online. It is not intended to frustrate or discourage employees from being involved on social media. 

Discussion of Nordstrom Social Media Policy 

Nordstrom's social media policy highlights the conflict of interest. It instructs its employees to avoid conflicts of interest, "A conflict of interest exists if you have an interest outside of your work at Nordstrom that interferes with your responsibilities or may affect your judgment on behalf of Nordstrom. Blogging, posting or chatting about product or fashion related to a direct competitor could be considered a conflict of interest."  The phrase "could be considered" is unclear. It is subjective and doesn't clearly explain what is termed a conflict of interest and what isn't. It lacks clarity. The whole part on conflict of interest is not simple, clear and straightforward, hence lacks a persuasive explanation of why the policy is necessary. Due to a lack of direct and straightforward the point words, it may be difficult for employees to pay much attention to it; hence, either avoid using social media or fail to meet the expected regulations required by the company.  The policy has a negative tone by adding, "If you have any questions, please see your manager or Human Resources. Conflict of interest is also outlined in the full Code of Conduct available on" Being subjected to your manager or superiors for clarity is harsh since it may portray a lack of research or a nagging character. Hence, few employees can manage to confront their superiors for further explanation. The explanation to be found in the Code of Conduct on conflict of interest should have been summarized in the policy for a better understanding of the policy. 


If subjected to such a policy, I could be limited to research on upcoming trends and competing positively on the market for a better outcome. This is because I would have been limited to reviewing competitors' products' pros and cons to determine where to beat them in quality and where we are dragging behind them. Hence, the policy could be harsh on me and minimize my capabilities and output in the company. I would be offended to be forwarded to my manager or Human Resource for further clarification or to debate the pros and cons of that part of the policy. I would not have the audacity to face them for clarification or debate; hence the policy would make me uncomfortable.

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