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This essay is a philosophical study of Thomas Aquinas's theory on human happiness. Happiness is a general matter that is required by everybody worldwide. Happiness is the goal of human life and every human being desire for complete happiness. The urge for happiness is huge. We want to be happy. We expect those we live and interact with to be happy. Therefore, what is the nature of happiness?. According to Aquinas, happiness is happy is the people whose God is lord. Happiness is a complete good that satisfies appetite; if there is still something left to be desired, happiness will not be the ultimate end ( Theron, 1985). To study correctly on the true nature of happiness, one has to understand the relationship between goodness and happiness in the mind of all persons. All people wish to be happy and so hope for good. When one realizes his or her actual potential, then this constitutes happiness.

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The coronavirus has affected our daily life routines. It has changed our perception of many things. The pandemic introduced the new world order: washing hands or sanitizing, wearing masks, and social distancing. All these orders aimed to flatten the curve; moreover, these regulations brought severe changes to our normal life. Restricting social gathering meant that people were not to meet for social purposes. The lockdown measures also kept at risk the country's economic state; these effects left employers feeling vulnerable since they had to stretch a little more to cater to the expenses of running a company that probably wasn't making sales. The current state in New Jersey is pure history repeating itself. The economic recession was fought in the year 1879; likewise, in 2020, an economic recession is being fought by workers. The paper provides an in-depth analysis of how the current workers are fighting the crisis concerning how the olden day workers fought their crisis.

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The study of comparative economic thought has always been crucial to understanding various approaches to economics and their significance on society. This paper explores the views of three prominent economists, “Joseph Schumpeter, Karl Marx, and John Maynard Keynes,” on the global environmental crisis. These three thinkers have contributed significantly to the economic field and permanently impacted the world. Through a critical breakdown of their respective work, the paper will discuss what each of these thinkers would have to say regarding the contemporary issue of environmental crisis. The essay provides a deeper understanding of concepts of theories developed by these thinkers and shows how they are different from one another in their approach to this critical issue. Furthermore, the paper will also discuss actions or policy changes each of these thinkers might suggest in addressing, the issue of global environmental crisis or climate change.

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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the common types of cancers in United States of America. Despite complexities associated with diseases majorly on the causes and management, there is still much that the public health department and a medical professional can do to minimize a high number of casualties. CRC affects the colon and rectum. The best approach in dealing with the disease is early detection through sensitive screening when symptoms associated with it are realized. Most clinical studies have failed to establish why the disease is prevalent among particular persons and not in others. However, they are factors that increase the chances of development of colorectal cancer.

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Comparing the relative labor markets between the two positions we see some notable differences. The data entry position has considerably more openings and offers far less in compensation than does the insurance claims adjuster. That allows for an assumption there is more turnover in the lower skill/wage data entry than in insurance claims adjusting. “In a competitive labor market where workers can switch readily among firms, a firm that offers jobs with characteristics which make workers less satisfied than in other firms will lose staff to those other firms and will have to improve its job package to stay in business”. Additionally, the claims adjuster position requires a higher skill level requiring specific state licenses and a college degree. Thereby allowing for the salary premium compared to data entry.

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There lots of people who chose to further their studies in universities or colleges every year and each one of them has his/her own reason for making such a decision. The phrase knowledge “Knowledge is power”, a notion that was coined by Francis Bacon in 1957 has always been related to education and since the introduction of this famous quote, people’s urge to further their studies has increased (Joyce, 2017). Although most people attend universities to enhance their education on what they already have, some pursue higher education to get promotions, acquaint themselves in certain fields they don’t know, or gain titles such as professors. Education is an important tool that everyone should empress since it stays within people throughout their lives.

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Silas Marner and Weavers in the Victorian Era The novel “Silas Marner” by George Eliot is set in the Raveloe village in England during the first four decades of the 19th century. This novel by Eliot unfolds a story regarding a linen weaver known as Silas Marner who moved to Raveloe after the accusation that he was a thief in his hometown. This story takes place when the weaving industry was famous and largely practiced by many individuals in Great Britain. At that time weavers were important in England. However, at the same time, Industrial Revolution had started and it was threatening weavers such as Silas Marner who had focused on the weaving industry. In the story, hand-loom weavers for example Silas Marner were getting replaced by industrial workers making skilled weavers such as Silas become irrelevant. Weaving became useless because machine operators don’t need to know weaving as the machines only needed to keep on running.

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In 2011, Europe faced one of its deepest debt crises. Some countries in the eurozone such as Greece and Portugal were heavily indebted and they needed bailouts from other member states. However, Germany was the only country not affected by the crises, making her the "savior" of the region. As a result of the EURO crisis, the AAA rankings were lost by France, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, and Portugal (Preston) (Lelieveldt, 2016). Additionally, several other economies were affected by the European debt crisis, most notably the US, which has large multinational companies that compete in Europe. Consequently, the U.S based small business enterprises (SMEs) faced tough times due to this economic crisis. Even now, small businesses in the U.S faces reduced cash flow, marketing constraints, and budgeting constraints as a result of the EURO economic recession. This essay seeks to answer the question “Can the European debt crisis affect US small businesses?”

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Water problem in California has been traced back to the history of man-made following the failure of state founding water policy from 1850 hence there are no water policies carried in the scientific, rational, or demographic method. Due to poor state infrastructures, the construction of more efficient and sustainable water system as well as the sewage system has not been established due to the delayed funding from the federal, local level and the state accused of channeling the public resources to corporations through tax cuts and incentives (Brooks & Emily, 2017). Due to the recent privatization of firm’s capital flows directly to the individual firms denying the local development of the projects denying the rights for larger portions human rights like basics to access clean is however believed that the state of the water crisis in California developed after the second world war causing the state water resources to undergo a significant alteration fueled by Gold Rush.

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Self-development refers to an individual's actions to better behaviour through learning new skills or through looking for a mode of overcoming undesirable behaviours in society (Oinonen, 2018). More of the research has shown that the definition of the self-development is the effort that one tends to acquire self-fulfillment through a formal kind of study program (Rezaei & Jeddi, 2020). Based on such, there are various forms of studies that have been done purposely to depict different forms of college student’s self-development. Some researchers have argued that college students' self-development is positively related to peer pressure, whereas others have tried to reject the idea (Oinonen, 2018). In this essay, the primary emphasis would be based on supporting the idea that there is a close relationship between peer pressure and the student’s self-development.

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Today, there is a significance rise in the use of technology tools such as computers, tablets and mobile phones in the world. Although innovation of this technology tools has been of benefit to people in many ways, it has negatively affected our children’s psychological development. This paper will put emphasis on the negative effects of technology use to psychological development of children. Currently, children use more technology compared to children in 1990 and this rising usage of technology among children today has raised concerns across the world. Studies show that digital technology has significantly boosted children’s talent for multitasking, however, their ability to process information deeply has been impaired (Carpenter, 2000).

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In recent years, Japan has been experiencing natural disasters due to increased typhoons and heavy rains. Heavy rains caused considerable damage during Typhoon No. 19 in 2019, particularly in eastern Japan (Kazama, 2021). Additionally, in Tokyo, floods caused flooding and roads collapsed due to overflowing rivers. As a result, Japan needs adaptation measures to help avoid or reduce the impacts of these inevitable climate changes. Furthermore, mitigation measures to reduce greenhouse gases should be implemented since it is a global warming agent. After the enactment of Special Financial Support for Dealing with Designated Disasters of Extreme Severity in 1962, the Japanese government have been able to efficiently adapt to natural disasters (Britton, 2007). When the Japanese government fails to implement the appropriate adaptation measures in the face of natural disasters, it may be held accountable.

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