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 Today, there is a significance rise in the use of technology tools such as computers, tablets and mobile phones in the world. Although innovation of this technology tools has been of benefit to people in many ways, it has negatively affected our children’s psychological development. This paper will put emphasis on the negative effects of technology use to psychological development of children. 

Currently, children use more technology compared to children in 1990 and this rising usage of technology among children today has raised concerns across the world. Studies show that digital technology has significantly boosted children’s talent for multitasking, however, their ability to process information deeply has been impaired (Carpenter, 2000). The main components of technology that are having greatest negative effect on their psychological development include: video games, television/media, and computers. This has led to increased numbers of obesity cases among children, violence and a general reduced interaction of children with their parents. 

Children are overusing technology which has made them get isolated from their parents and friends. Although it has connected them through easy communication using computers and phones despite of distance, it has made them spend less time talking to each other in person. This behaviour will gradually make them lose the ability to notice and understand emotional cues. It will hinder development of their social skills and compassion, which can cause narcissism and even cruelty. 

In conclusion, computer technology usage among children should be regulated as it has really changed the way children socialize as it has decreases social interactions and this has affected children’s mental and emotional well-being. It has been proved that other than impairing children’s psychological development, their self-esteem can also be lowered and create foul moods. In addition, overuse of technology such as mobile phones by children is harmful to their health, as they take more time using technology and this will reduce their time for physical exercise activities. 

Work Cited

Mikkola, R. D., Q-T. Jiang, and B. Carpenter. "Copper electroplating for advanced interconnect technology." Plating and surface finishing 87.3 (2000): 81-85. 

Hoge, Elizabeth, David Bickham, and Joanne Cantor. "Digital media, anxiety, and depression in children." Pediatrics 140.Supplement 2 (2017): S76-S80.

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