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In recent years, Ethiopia has encountered both rapid political liberalization and a surge in violent conflicts. The rise in violence is, to a great extent, because of an ascent in activist, contending ethnic nationalism with regards to the apparent delicacy of state and party foundations. The two powers have been intently and consistently affecting each other for quite a long time. Exclusivist and tyrant political organizations since the supreme (1930–1974) and military (1974–1991) times have assumed a job in the rise and maturing of battling nationalism in the nation. Brought together yet combined political foundations during the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) time have additionally confounded the patriot scene by making numerous lines of ethno-nationalist struggles in Ethiopia.

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For law enforcement personnel, ergonomics mainly involves minimizing the potential risk of physical injuries as well as the psychological trauma a serviceman can suffer in the line of duty. A job is likely to result in injury when there are several risk factors to be considered, which is undoubtedly the case for anyone involved in law enforcement (Czarnecki and others 11). It is a priority to alleviate these concerns for policemen as they endeavor to keep us safe. This paper will analyze how enhancing officer's physical and mental skills in a combat situation are crucial to improving their overall performance. There is a multitude of changes taking place in a policeman’s body during extreme physical stress. Combat anxiety may affect an officer just before a physical confrontation. In extreme situations such as when dealing with a terrorist or an indiscriminate mass shooter, survival stress may kick in.

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In society, there is usually some incidences where a particular group of individuals does not have the opportunity to access some of the privileges. Such minority groups may be based in different dimensions such as that of gender, race, religion, and social class, among other classifications. In such a case, the majority groups may take advantage of the minority and go against their rights or privileges, which they could otherwise get. From that, the affirmative action there comes in to support those minority parties or individuals. Therefore, affirmative action refers to that action of showing some favor to a group of individuals who seem to be the minority and even discriminated in the society by the other people. Color can also be another cause of such discrimination and which results in affirmative action to protect such individuals from discrimination and attempt to give them equal opportunities and representation.

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Social support is the perception and assurance that someone has when that they have help available to them from their friends or colleagues, and sometimes it’s the feeling that one gets when they know that someone out there cares for them deeply. Social support is the perception that one is involved in a broader social platform that supports each other. There are two kinds of social support; received support and perceived comfort. Received support occurs during times of need, and it is a specific support action that providers offer. An example of received support is advice. On the other hand, perceived support is a prejudgment from a recipient that a caregiver will help him or her when the need arises. These two support systems have unique benefits to a recipient, especially when it comes to their mental health and physical health.

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Matsuo Basho is a name associated with the renowned Genroku era when most of the Japanese literary and artistic personalities thrived. Basho, the haiku master, was born in the 17th century near Kyoto Kyoto in Japan (Poetry Foundation). Shortly after Basho’s birth, the borders of Japan were closed; this move was aiming at seclusion, which could have flourished Japan. Basho was interested in literature contrary to his siblings, who became farmers, so while in Ueno castle in the service of the lord's son, his interest intensified. Later, when the young lord passes, Basho leaves the Ueno Castle and travels back to Kyoto, where he studied with the renowned poet Kigin (Poetry Foundation). Through these years, he studied Taoism, and Chinese poetry soon afterward began writing the Haikai no Renga poetry form of connected verses composed in collaboration (Poetry Foundation).

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Student performance and the grade point average are vital for the final grades that translate to better jobs in the future hence better-living standards. Likewise, a high student score is a motivating factor for parents, teachers, and students to work in harmony for the learning of the student. Equally, schools producing high-grade candidates are ranked high, making them to attract many students and general attention. Finally, high grades help evaluate the level of education system within a country (studyportals, 2020). Attaining high grades is influenced by socio-economic factors such as family income, student's class, parent's level of education, student-teacher ratio, the number of trained teachers in school, student sex, student age, and the distance of the school from student's residence.

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This essay is a philosophical study of Thomas Aquinas's theory on human happiness. Happiness is a general matter that is required by everybody worldwide. Happiness is the goal of human life and every human being desire for complete happiness. The urge for happiness is huge. We want to be happy. We expect those we live and interact with to be happy. Therefore, what is the nature of happiness?. According to Aquinas, happiness is happy is the people whose God is lord. Happiness is a complete good that satisfies appetite; if there is still something left to be desired, happiness will not be the ultimate end ( Theron, 1985). To study correctly on the true nature of happiness, one has to understand the relationship between goodness and happiness in the mind of all persons. All people wish to be happy and so hope for good. When one realizes his or her actual potential, then this constitutes happiness.

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The coronavirus has affected our daily life routines. It has changed our perception of many things. The pandemic introduced the new world order: washing hands or sanitizing, wearing masks, and social distancing. All these orders aimed to flatten the curve; moreover, these regulations brought severe changes to our normal life. Restricting social gathering meant that people were not to meet for social purposes. The lockdown measures also kept at risk the country's economic state; these effects left employers feeling vulnerable since they had to stretch a little more to cater to the expenses of running a company that probably wasn't making sales. The current state in New Jersey is pure history repeating itself. The economic recession was fought in the year 1879; likewise, in 2020, an economic recession is being fought by workers. The paper provides an in-depth analysis of how the current workers are fighting the crisis concerning how the olden day workers fought their crisis.

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The study of comparative economic thought has always been crucial to understanding various approaches to economics and their significance on society. This paper explores the views of three prominent economists, “Joseph Schumpeter, Karl Marx, and John Maynard Keynes,” on the global environmental crisis. These three thinkers have contributed significantly to the economic field and permanently impacted the world. Through a critical breakdown of their respective work, the paper will discuss what each of these thinkers would have to say regarding the contemporary issue of environmental crisis. The essay provides a deeper understanding of concepts of theories developed by these thinkers and shows how they are different from one another in their approach to this critical issue. Furthermore, the paper will also discuss actions or policy changes each of these thinkers might suggest in addressing, the issue of global environmental crisis or climate change.

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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the common types of cancers in United States of America. Despite complexities associated with diseases majorly on the causes and management, there is still much that the public health department and a medical professional can do to minimize a high number of casualties. CRC affects the colon and rectum. The best approach in dealing with the disease is early detection through sensitive screening when symptoms associated with it are realized. Most clinical studies have failed to establish why the disease is prevalent among particular persons and not in others. However, they are factors that increase the chances of development of colorectal cancer.

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Comparing the relative labor markets between the two positions we see some notable differences. The data entry position has considerably more openings and offers far less in compensation than does the insurance claims adjuster. That allows for an assumption there is more turnover in the lower skill/wage data entry than in insurance claims adjusting. “In a competitive labor market where workers can switch readily among firms, a firm that offers jobs with characteristics which make workers less satisfied than in other firms will lose staff to those other firms and will have to improve its job package to stay in business”. Additionally, the claims adjuster position requires a higher skill level requiring specific state licenses and a college degree. Thereby allowing for the salary premium compared to data entry.

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There lots of people who chose to further their studies in universities or colleges every year and each one of them has his/her own reason for making such a decision. The phrase knowledge “Knowledge is power”, a notion that was coined by Francis Bacon in 1957 has always been related to education and since the introduction of this famous quote, people’s urge to further their studies has increased (Joyce, 2017). Although most people attend universities to enhance their education on what they already have, some pursue higher education to get promotions, acquaint themselves in certain fields they don’t know, or gain titles such as professors. Education is an important tool that everyone should empress since it stays within people throughout their lives.

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