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Agro-climate and soils; 

Gujarat has fluctuating topographic highlights; however, a significant piece of the state was ruled by dry and dry areas. The particular highlights of agro-climatic zones are; profound dark soil with scarcely any patches of waterfront alluvial, laterite, and medium-dark and Deep dark clayey in south Gujarat. Profound dark and medium-dark to loamy sand soil in south Gujarat (Mathur & Kashyap, 2000).               

Landing holding status; 

All out geological region of the state is around 196 lakhs hectares. Out of all-out land regions, 99.66 lakh hectares are under the net cultivable zone, which is half of the absolute topographical zone. The complete gross edited region is about 122.11 lakh hectares in the state. The absolute gross flooded region is 56.14 lakhs ha, which represented 45.97% of all-out harvest zone is. Absolute operational landholders in the state are 48.86 lakh, who have the cultivable land with a normal of 2.03 ha per landholders. Out of all-out landholders, 37.16% negligible ranchers, 29.25% little ranchers, 22.10%Semi-medium ranchers, 10.49% medium ranchers, and 1.00% enormous ranchers. (Source: Agriculture Census, 2010-11).             

Agricultural production; 

Major Agricultural produce of the state fuse cotton, groundnut (peanuts), dates, and sugar stick, milk, and milk things. Gujarat is the dominating producer of tobacco, cotton, and groundnuts in India. Other huge harvests conveyed in the state are rice, wheat, jowar, bajra, maize, pigeon pea, and gram. Castor, Groundnut, and Mustard are the huge oilseed s yields of the state. The state has prominent achievements in progress and productivity circumstance in cotton, castor, and groundnut. Cotton is a huge yield of the state, which covers 27.97 lakh ha.             


Horticulture production situation gives the sparkling of augmentation. The region under the development of cultivation harvests and creation are persistently expanding in the state. "Gir Kesar Mango" and "Kutchi Date" have an interesting personality in the nation. The state is known for Cumin, Fennel, and Isabgul creation and efficiency. The state contributes over 90% creation of the nation in Fennel. Ranchers' endeavors make Gujarat pleased inefficiency of the onion and potato. The state has the most noteworthy profitability in the nation for onion (25 MT/ha.) and potato (28.81 MT/ha.). Rancher of the state has outstanding accomplishment in potato efficiency, for example, 87 MT/ha., which is most noteworthy on the planet (Singh et al., 2016).  

Gujarat state is first in the creation of Cumin, Fennel, and Date palm, second underway of Banana, Papaya, and lime. The profitability of Onion and Potato is most elevated in the nation where the efficiency of Banana, pomegranate, and sapota is the second most noteworthy in the nation. The state appreciates imposing a business model on the handling of Isabgul. The yield explicit Centers of Excellence for the harvests like Vegetables, Mango, and Date palm has been arranged and will be built up with the help of world best advances so as to expand the profitability and quality by limit working of the ranchers. 

Animal husbandry

Animal farming, and dairying segment have assumed an imperative job in the financial advancement of the Gujarat state. Animal farming gives work to each class of society and is additionally a significant wellspring of pay for poor groups of Gujarat (Husbandry and Statistics, 2014). Gujarat is rich with different indigenous unadulterated varieties including Gir and Kankarej variety of cow; Mahesani, Surti, Jaffrabadi and Bunni type of Buffalo; Marwari and Patanvadi type of sheep; Sirohi, Surti, Mehsani, Kuchchhi, Gohilwadi and Zalawadi type of goat; Kutchi and Kharai type of camel, Kathiyavadi type of Horse and so on. Gujarat has 19 enlisted breeds (13%) out of all-out 151 enrolled types of the nation. According to Livestock Census-2012, Gujarat has 2, 71, 28,200 Livestock contributing 5.30% to add up to 51, 20, 57,000 domesticated animals populace of India.

 Future aspects of both industries 

The green revolution, which is frequently described by the presentation of the high yielding assortment of seeds and manures. Without a doubt, it expanded the profitability of land impressively. Yet, the development in the profitability has been stale as of late, bringing about a critical decrease in the salary of ranchers. There have likewise been negative natural impacts through the exhausting water table, discharge of ozone harming substances, and the tainting of surface and groundwater. The administration has reacted to the issue by comprising a board, which will prescribe approaches to twofold the pay of ranchers by 2022. To address this problem that needs to be addressed, horticulture requires new methodologies, which can't just build creation yet, in addition, guarantee ecological insurance and protection of restricted characteristic assets. Coming up next are future patterns that ought to be actualized (Giriappa, 1995). 

Enhanced hybridization; 

The utilization of crossbreed seeds empowers better heterosis in ominous soil and climatic conditions, for example, saline soils and downpour took care of environments. Better water pressure resistance in half and halves guarantees great yields even if there should be an occurrence of low precipitation, as saw in the course of the most recent couple of years. Brief-term cross breed delivers more in less span and, in this way, expends less water. Half and half seeds with inbuilt qualities can give extra illnesses resilience. This spares splashes decrease compound to use on plants and limits the buildup level on synthetics in soil and water. 

Drip irrigation; 

Agribusiness represents 70% of all water use. The horticulture needs to concentrate on improving water quality and address the water shortage. On the water shortage subject, Bayer executed the Drip By Drip program in an organization with water system pioneers Netafim to convey focused on crop insurance by means of the trickle water system. 

Precision farming

Numerous things can occur over the reason of the developing season. Accuracy cultivating innovations can help dispose of vulnerability or, if nothing else, further diminish dangers. Exactness cultivating includes gathering information through associated equipment like GPS-prepared tractors or sensors. Ranchers would then be able to settle on field-zone-explicit choices in their everyday activities. In the nation, similar to India with 11 agro-climatic zones and shifting development rehearses, this can truly assist ranchers with expanding ranch profitability. 

Drone in agriculture;

Presenting ramble in the farming area is a crucial usage. For models, recognize weeds are, which type they are, distinguish bugs and maladies, and limit the use of agrochemicals. Overall automatons are totally changing the whole procedure of developing and collecting. According to industry evaluates, the utilization of automatons can give a 15 to 20 percent expansion in ranch efficiency. Among others, future patterns are preceded by digitalization and the spotlight on soil health, which builds the profitability of the ranchers. 

Feasibility of agro-processing 

There are a few drivers that lead to the beginning of the agro-handling business. These drivers are critical to comprehend the development, causes, and starting point of agribusiness development. The significant drivers can be distinguished as (Mathur & Kashyap, 2000). 

  • Scarcity of Land and the Need to Improve Productivities.
  • Markets, Urbanization and Increasing Commercialization of Agriculture
  • Need for Change in Scale and Reorganization of Production and Marketing

 Scarcity of Land and the Need to Improve Productivities; 

The ascent in the populace, as medicinal services improve, combined with the shortage of cultivable land and its fruitfulness are significant drivers for the advancement of enormous segments of agribusiness in India. The imperative to zone development and its impediment as a wellspring of creation increment has prompted considerable reliance on yield increment for accomplishing nourishment creation development. This has brought about an extreme spotlight on science and innovation for expanding crop yields, which has prompted the requirement for various present-day contributions for expanding creation. Better hereditary qualities/high yielding assortment seeds, Better plant nourishment through manures, Better water arrangement through water sourcing innovation and the board, Better bug control through pesticides, Farm force, and hardware for better physical and time productivity. 

Markets, Urbanization and Increasing Commercialization of Agriculture; 

The expanding utilization of remotely bought money inputs and the developing off-ranch nourishment request because of urbanization, and has driven ranchers to commercialization, or creating for the market. Agribusiness is not, at this point, rehearsed only for the resource or own needs yet generously for business sectors, benefits, and earnings. 

Need for Change in Scale and Reorganization of Production and Marketing; 

Expanding rivalry inside horticulture, provincial urban relocation, and the need to be beneficial frequently lead to the requirement for having a bigger or ideal scale in cultivating and related tasks, to be serious and practical. Despite the fact that farming area proprietorship is limited, the scale needs frequently lead to land advertising exchanges, on the off chance that not through the course of the offer, at that point through the course of renting or union inside more distant families. 

SWOT Analysis 

SWOT Analysis is a strategy used to assess the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats associated with an undertaking or in an undertaking. The SWOT examination of the agro-processing industry gives investigation and understandings of various parts of the agro-processing industry as far as its qualities, shortcomings, openings, and dangers (Mahajan & Patil). 

Strengths of agro-processing 

The agro-processing industry has an expanding job in the economy in Indian just as worldwide setting it has incredible qualities which are giving solid outcome so as to get by in the serious business condition. The qualities of this industry have been talked about beneath. 

Huge natural resources; 

India is one of the adaptable nations on the planet where the number of enormous characteristic assets are accessible. Every normal asset is giving a possibility to build up another agro-processing industry. It prompts attempt financial movement in the provincial territory. Suitable geographical conditions for agricultural production; India has a wealthy in fitting topographical conditions for agribusiness creation where enormous farming creation is conceivable. Agro put together ventures are principally depends on respect to the agribusiness yields, so it is one of the significant qualities of the agro-processing industry to the extent its improvement is thought of. 

Availability of raw material; 

Crude material is an important contribution to getting a last item for the agro-processing industry. India is being created a colossal farming item, which becomes the crude material for the agro-processing industry. It spurs individuals to attempt any venture. 

Ability to exports; 

Agro-based industry is likewise ready to send out its item in the worldwide market like sugar, cashew portion, and so on. The Agro-processing industry can procure an important remote trade, which will fortify the national economy. 

Strong traditional knowledge; 

The Agro-processing industry has solid conventional information which is permeated from the ages to ages, which are giving contributions to the ability in assembling like craftsmen’s industry, material industry, cashew industry, handiwork industry and so on. 

Weaknesses of agro-processing;

The agro-based industry has some weaknesses, which are discussed below. 

Lack of infrastructure facility; 

In the improvement procedure of any business foundation is a significant component that is important to be considered deliberately. In the event of the agro-based industry foundation isn't satisfactory like street, transportation, banks, and broadcast communications, and so forth. 

Low quality of the raw material; 

Industry requires a great quality crude material contribution to make it quality item; however, low-quality crude material is accessible in the nearby market. 

Complex export procedure; the fare methodology is exceptionally confounded; it requires additional time that may make issues for this industry. It requires to finish various sorts of customs it requires additional time and exertion for them. 

Political interferences; 

In-country agro-processing co-agents are under the impact of governmental issues obstructions, political pioneers impedances the significant choice of such association in three personal stake it makes obstacle in the improvement of the agro-processing industry. 

Lack of finance; 

In the region where no three tire banking framework is arranged here, ventures are confronting issues getting an account. 

Opportunities for agro-processing: 

Agro-processing ventures are a significant component in the rustic economy of the nation. These ventures especially have the accompanying chances. 

Increasing market span; 

At first, just neighborhood showcase is accessible for the agro-based industry; however, at the present market range for the agro-processing industry has expanded. It isn't an important agro-processing industry is depending just on the nearby market; it very well may be move outside the market. It was expanding market length, making large open doors for the agro-processing industry. 


The agro-based industry can trade his item to the universal market like cashew bit, sugar, material, milk item, and so on. This is making enormous open doors for this industry, which giving important remote trade to the nation. It is presently set on the worldwide stage for the Indian agro-processing industry. 

Value addition; The provincial business can make esteem expansion items like reprocessing on milk, reprocessing on sugar, reprocessing on cashew part, and so on. This is the territory where the agro-processing industry has thought about large chances. 

Entrepreneurship Development in the rural area; 

This industry is having a place with the rustic zone of the nation; the accomplishment of this industry is supporting the new individuals to build up the new enterprises in the provincial region. 

More employment generations; 

The agro-based industry can ready to make the greater business ages in the country zone; this may likewise be considered as one of the open doors for this industry. 

Threats of agro-processing:

The following factors are creating threats to the agro-processing industry. 

Global competition; 

The agro-processing industry is standing up to know the overall competition. It is amazingly difficult to agro-based industry to keep up a business in a genuine high zone with the situation of wellbeing. Generally, the agro-processing industry is small, having minimal capital in the remote region of the country, so it is difficult to battle the gigantic affiliation. 

Unorganized market; 

It is tough to establish an efficient market for agro-processing industry items; the great market is fundamental for having the proper cost for the last item. Issue of the showcasing is viewed as one of the significant dangers for this industry. 

Bad trade practices; 

To keep up the economic advancement of any industry, great exchange rehearses are fundamental. If there should arise an occurrence of agro-processing industry absence of good exchanges rehearses like nature of item, weight, bundling, and so on are making the issue of this industry. 

Price fluctuations; 

Due to the value variances, it is tough to keep up the estimating methodology some time organization may have misfortune; this misfortune agro-processing industry couldn't be uncovered; consequently, this factor making the risk for the country business. 

Political biasness: 

The huge agro-based industry, is, by one way or another political predisposition, meddling the significant choice on the organization, which isn't useful for the agro-processing industry for getting the foreordained objective. 


Indian agro-processing industry can develop as a significant player in the advancement of the country, especially in the reverse zone of the nation. It is important to build up this industry as a significant apparatus to change the provincial economy of the nation. Indian agro-processing industry has incredible qualities and more open doors in the serious business condition. Indian agro-processing industry has some shortcoming and the dangers which are important to dispense with cautious arrangements at a large scale level and smaller scale level. India must be expanded the agribusiness creation according to requests of the agro-processing industry to a considerable degree with the quality. It requires making the exploration of various parts of the agro-processing industry. There is a need for the update of government conspires in the light of rising business conditions at national and worldwide levels. With advancements, the board abilities and innovation agro-processing industry can come up as a significant player in the economy just as an apparatus for the provincial turn of events. It requires country industry potential study to be directed based on provincial assets the board.   


Giriappa, S. (1995). Prospects of Agro-processing Industry. Daya Books. 

Husbandry, B. A., & Statistics, F. (2014). 19th livestock Census-2012, All India Report. Ministry of Agriculture Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Government of India

Mahajan, S. S., & Patil, P. J. SWOT Analysis of Agro-Based Industry in India. 

Mathur, N., & Kashyap, S. P. (2000). Agriculture in Gujarat: Problems and prospects. Economic and Political Weekly, 3137-3146. 

Singh, N., Shukla, R., Bhatt, B. K., More, S. S., & Meena, P. C. (2016). Role of State Interventions in Marketing of Horticultural Crops in Gujarat. Splint International Journal of Professionals, 3(4), 150.

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