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Both jade, lapis lazuli, and turquoise are gemstones with distinct chemical and physical characteristics. The study will present the distinctive diagnostic properties of the three. Color, composition, and unique physical and optical properties will form the basis of comparison. The three stones have contrasting colors when put side by side. Lapis Lazuli has a royal blue color with an intense tonality. On the other hand, turquoise stone has a brighter blue shade with a unique feature that ranges between a uniform mixture of blue and green. Jade, however, is associated mainly with green but shows six distinct colors, i.e., green, red, yellow, lavender, black, and white (Tao & Wong, 2020).

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The quote resonates well with this week’s lessons. In most cases, rap music has been associated with African-American and Latino. During the initial years of rap music, many Whites criticized the genre stating that it was associated with violence and crime and never viewed it as a genre that was instilling social awareness on sensitive matters like racism to its fans. Today, even though Whites have become fans of rap music, its popularity is much felt among the Blacks. The article indicates that most whites listen to rap because of the beats and not the messages contained in the music.

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The term Canadian federalism refers to the current and evolving structure of Canada's federal government. Including the federal government and the ten individual provinces, Canada has a total of eleven levels of government (Hachard, 2020). The Canadian Constitution is the source of law for Canada's eleven provincial and territorial governments. In this paper, I will focus on Ontario Province which is situated in Eastern Canada near the border. The paper will also cover the impacts of Canadian federalism on cross-border trade and how it has affected different government relations. In relation to this assignment, I chose Ontario because it borders the US and when it comes to producing nickel and platinum group metals, Ontario ranks in the top ten worldwide.

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The quote goes well with this week’s lesson. Even though some researchers indicate that social media has a negative effect on learning, in most cases the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. One of the advantages of social media on learning is the art of communication. Social media plays a bigger role in learning in helping students in the process of interacting with things they see online. There are different platforms like Face book and Twitter that helps students in learning new concepts. These concepts are both useful for students in the informal and formal students.

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Culture is the way of life of any particular group of people. The cultural practices and views upheld and passed from one generation to the next as a way of preserving the culture of that specific group. The Aboriginal people are among the most notable indigenous population but at risk of extinction; thus, the need for the people including the artists to work towards preserving their indigenous culture. As a population, the aboriginal people have a relatively diverse culture with arts made by their indigenous artists being one of the most notable ways that they preserve and communicate their culture.

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Does determinism rule out the possibility of free will? The philosophical community has been debating this topic for quite some time. The author Michael Huemer claims that "free will is incompatible with determinism" (Huemer, 2016). However, in "The Value of Believing in Something," Kathleen Vohs. Free Will: Why Spreading Fate-Based Beliefs Makes People More Dishonest about going through the motions of life without giving much thought to the big picture or the minute details of any one day or why it turns out the way it does" (Vohs & Schooler, 2008). According to their claims, it is up to each person to determine how their day will go.

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The towns of Jericho and Catal Huyuk were atypical of the early neolithic societies of Southwest Asia. In Jericho, there was social ranking, which was atypical of the early neolithic societies in southwest Asia. Some human interments from Jericho have been discovered to have exotic raw materials like Turkish Obsidian and cowrie shells, while others lacked (Rosenberg and Rocek, 2019). The method of food procurement in Catal Huyuk sets it apart from the early neolithic societies. Archeologists ascertain that they acquired food from the wild (Rosenberg and Rocek, 2019). They include assorted wild grass, tubers, lentils, and hackberries.

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Referred to as the 4thestate, media plays a key role in societal development and governance. The 4thestate terms is derived from the fact that there are three arms of government namely legislature, judiciary and the executive. Media is hence seen as the fourth arm playing the watchdog role in society. Media is independent and the freedom of the media is enshrined and guaranteed by the constitution. However, there is also media law which governs and regulates the manner in which media operates. In this discussion some of the issues discussed include media freedom and the law that governs such freedom.

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The Constitution of Canada establishes the roles and responsibilities of Canada's federal government and its subnational governments (provinces and territories). The paper will discuss the impact of the Canadian federal government on the relationship between businesses and the government in this country. In this essay, I shall consider Canadian federalism and its impact on cross-border trade and how it has affected various government relations. The area of focus will be Ontario province which is located in Eastern Canada near the border. The reason for choosing this province as the main case study is because of its strategic position which is near the border of the USA.

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After watching the video “In Defense of Rhetoric” I noted that rhetoric is the technique of using language effectively. It is the day-to-use of language to express ourselves and persuade others. It helps us to be more conscious of our language and enhances our communication and presentation skills. Rhetoric helps us to know who our audience is and how to address them in order to achieve the result that we desire. I think that the use of rhetoric in our daily communication is essential in the job market. It happens in our daily life as it is used in communication when we want someone to believe, understand or agree with us be it in public speaking, in a small group, or when addressing our friends.

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Prior to modernization and civilization, people were based in the rural areas. Activities such as farming and livestock grazing were the main sources of income. With modernization however, cities began to come up. As would be expected of any growth is that opportunities begun to sprout. People were needed to work in the newly built factories and industries in the city, job opportunities were now available. This saw a migration of people from rural areas to the cities. Perhaps not anticipating the large number of people who would move in search of jobs, the cities rapidly became densely populated.

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Southwest Asia also known as the Near East was first recorded during archaeology’s formative development. It is one of the areas believed to be productive in terms of agriculture. The study will present the reasons why agriculture developed in Southwest Asia. Several pieces of evidence indicate that places like Levanta dated in 9000 B.C gives the first evidence of plant domestication (Karlovsky & Sabloff, 1995). One of the reasons why this happened is due to the disequilibrium in hunting and gathering that was brought by either environmental change or demographic stress.

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