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Digital Marketing Strategy (APA 6th Edition)

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There is a peplexion in the relationship between Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Mobile marketing, Content marketing, Email marketing, Web design, Big Data  and social-media marketing during creation of a digital marketing strategy for a given brand. With current situation of COVID-19, marketers are facing challenges especially those ones who have not embraced digital marketing. The world have turned into online marketing for fear of contracting of COVID-19. This shows that it is either the marketer embraces digital marketing or the business fails as potential buyers are at home and no one will opt to go buy goods or get services outside for the fear of getting infected with Corona Virus. Most business owners don’t have an incorporated plan for growing and engaging their audience (Customers) in an effective way. Lack of a proper plan with the current situation, will face difficult times accessing their potential customers. The following are the most significant factors a marketer should consider before creating a digital strategy considering the current situation of COVID-19: 

  • Define your goals: it is very significant for a makerter to establish goals and project objectives in case of a a new a digital marketing strategy being introduced. With the current situation of COVID-19, there is a need for businesses to increase sales, build brand awaereness and product regognistion, and also targeting of new customers since currently most businesses are experiencing hard times due to low number of customers. Clear definitionof a goal of a business is significant during creation of new strategy in order to help businesses access customer.
  • Business owners should know their audience:The second most importang to put rinot consideration is your audience. You have to ask your self “ who is your audience”? Which customer segment are you targeting? male/female, millennials/gen Z, students/fulltime workers, specific demographic segment and income segment. A thorough research is supposed to be carried after the segment has been chosen to help in identification of what customers need, improvements to be done, and how do they want their goods and sevices be delivered under the current situation of COVID-19. This is achieved through creating an audience profileof the “typical” customer. Discovering what the customer needs or their interests is very essential when creating an effective digital marketing strategy.
  • Create good content and select the right platforms: After definition of target audience  and the goal, the marketer has to think about the content.He/she has ask himself/herself questions such as  “ What kind of contend do I want put out there?,” These  questions should relate to the goals and objectives  of your digital marketing strategy. Creation of content is very vital to overall digital marketing .  It has to be educational, one that starts conversation and interesting as well as engaging. A thouroughl analysed content will encourage interractions between the marketer and the customers. Also creation of a content calendar is helpful in planning. At this stage of content creation considering the COVID-19 situation in the world, a choice of the best platform to connect with customers has to be made. Platforms such as SEO, Mobile marketing, Social media, Content marketing, Email marketing, Websites and Paid digital advertisement.  For instance, currently most clients can be accessed via social media platforms  such as facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twiter etc.
  • Choose the right KPI’s and Know how to measure them:  Prior to initiation  of a new digital marketing strategy, everything must be measurable. Selection  of measurable values, or key performance indicators, and KPI’s should be done that will portray  how effiecient the set goals and determination of a chosen strategy in terms of content and right platforms to be used if they are effective. Proper metrics should be selected for measuring KPI’s. Incase of poor results, the marketer should reconsider other platforms of marketing such as SEO and Social Media platforms, or reconsider your content, or you might have chosen wong KPI’s .
  • Adaptation : The marketer should be able to adapt with current situations of COVID-19 and poor economy facing all countries in the world.  Putting into consideration the current situation of Corona virus  and the way it has affected a lot of business all around the world , with tough times still being expected,  every marketer has to be ready to any situation in order to survive.
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