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Article 1: “America's monumental failure of management” 

The article discusses how the companies should avoid management failures which could potentially result in a financial or economic crisis. The author, Henry Mintzberg discusses the monumental failures in the management crisis in relation to poor corporate cultures. 

             “Cash For Trash” 

The management often trades “cash for trash” to save and support dying corporations, and it would only be helpful for a short period of time. The companies often face the issue of “downsizing” in which the company often blames the employees and fires them due to the failure of achieving the targets. However, the people who get fired are the ones who are actually doing things, and the so-called Human Resources departments actually play a small role in productivity. The current government is having a corrupted system. The article is using the auto car industry as an example to show how the excessively analytical management style has actually fastened the failure of the company. 

         “Hurries On A Massive Scale” 

Management is something that needs to be more practical instead of based upon theoretical knowledge learned in class. For instance, the Harvard Business School is using the case studies to manage the company and making decisions for the company’s future path. This is definitely irresponsible and nonsense to the company’s development. By tracking the performance of the Harvard Business School alumni who became successful corporate chief executives, 10/19 had major failures, and 4/19 had questionable records. The article criticizes the American''s management issue using Harvard as an example, and we need to learn about our own mistakes in management to promote changes. 

Article 2: “How Successful Leaders Use Empowerment to Build Trust and Excellence”  

The article discusses the importance of good leaders to play their role in empowering the team to obtain maximum success. This article connects with article 1 as they both discuss how to avoid management failures and maximize management success. Empowerment allows people to be influenced with a common purpose, interest, direction, and motivation, to cooperate towards a goal and mission. 

       “Defining Leadership Empowerment” 

Empowerment requires proficiency in listening ability, it allows all team members to make decisions as a participatory role in order to enhance their sense of engagement and commitment by making judgements together. Builds confidence among the team members to build trust to better execute the goals. Develop a secondary level of leadership when the leader is absent. Depends on the leader’s personality. 

     “Empowering Team Members” and “The Idea of Leadership Empowerment”

 Success is led by a group of people. Everyone in the team requires to contribute and be committed to the achievement of the mission. The higher the position you are, the more you need to understand the different skills and knowledge that your teammates have. Successful leaders require coaching, mentoring, and empowering skills. Continuous success requires the leader to empower the teammates by mentoring future leaders of the company.             

    “Empowering People” 

The leaders need to empower people by trust and verify the teammates. Leaders need to communicate their initial thoughts and motivate the teammates to provide suggestions for improvements, and incorporate these recommendations in making decisions. Empowerment does not mean giving up accountability and legal authority, and managers is definitely in charge of all errors and failures that the teammates have made. The team must be monitored and ensure all teammates understand the missions fully, and everyone is going in the same direction to achieve the corporate mission, and afterwards we ensure trust is between every teammate.

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