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Gujarat has fluctuating topographic highlights; however, a significant piece of the state was ruled by dry and dry areas. The particular highlights of agro-climatic zones are; profound dark soil with scarcely any patches of waterfront alluvial, laterite, and medium-dark and Deep dark clayey in south Gujarat. Profound dark and medium-dark to loamy sand soil in south Gujarat (Mathur & Kashyap, 2000). All out geological region of the state is around 196 lakhs hectares. Out of all-out land regions, 99.66 lakh hectares are under the net cultivable zone, which is half of the absolute topographical zone. The complete gross edited region is about 122.11 lakh hectares in the state. The absolute gross flooded region is 56.14 lakhs ha, which represented 45.97% of all-out harvest zone is. Absolute operational landholders in the state are 48.86 lakh, who have the cultivable land with a normal of 2.03 ha per landholders.

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