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Team Organizational structure How does it increase productivity?              

Team organizational structure increases productivity by eliminating the challenge of decision-making and communication due to its effective lateral relations. It encourages collaboration by creating an environment where team members can communicate effectively, share ideas and knowledge, and work together to achieve common goals. In addition, it also boosts the member’s morale as they feel more involved and have a greater sense of identification. Since they share knowledge and expertise on specific problems, quality decisions can be made fast. 

How does it increase the company's competitiveness?              

An effective team organizational structure is essential to a company's ability to remain competitive in a changing economy. By creating specialized teams with clear goals, companies are able to capitalize on the strengths of each team member and quickly respond to business opportunities. In addition, teams can be organized to rapidly develop new products and services or to improve processes in order to reduce costs. Team structure enables easy assembly of teams when needed by to address customer needs or emerging trends in the market. All of these elements help organizations remain agile, efficient, and competitive in the marketplace. 

Network Organizational structure How does it increase productivity?              

Network organizational structure increases productivity through its network of outsourcing and relationships which is maintained by the latest information technology. This enables network organization structures to operate efficiently since knowledge and expertise are shared via computer networking. It also enables better technical expertise due to experts involved on a contract basis which becomes expensive for an organization to employ on a full-time basis. 

How does it increase the company's competitiveness? 
            Network organizational structure increases a company's competitiveness by allowing for the efficient and effective sharing of information, resources, and expertise through the latest information technology. By combining the collective knowledge and experience of its employees, a company can create new products and services that are tailored to the needs of its customers. Network organizational structures also encourage collaboration and communication between the outsourced departments, helping to foster an environment of innovation and creativity. Additionally, this type of organizational structure allows for greater flexibility and agility in responding to changes in the market, giving the company an edge over its competitors.

 Boundaryless Organizational structure How does it increase productivity?             

Productivity in the boundaryless structure is increased through teamwork and communication which has replaced the formal lines of authority. Technology utilization makes collaboration among the several teams involved instantaneous and always possible thereby overcoming barriers that might slow down the organization’s performance. The lack of internal and external barriers enables flexibility and fast operations within organizations using Boundaryless structures such as seen in Eloque Marketing firm.   

How does it increase the company's competitiveness? 
            A boundaryless organizational structure increases a company's competitiveness by removing the traditional hierarchical barriers enabling employees to collaborate more freely and efficiently. The use of technology in this structure also enables the organization to keep at par with the latest technology in the market. This structure can help a company respond quickly to changing market conditions due to its flexibility, thereby increasing its ability to stay competitive and ahead of other organizations. 

What is the difficulty you notice in the boundaryless structure?             

The difficulty I notice in the boundaryless structure is the lack of a clear boundary which makes it difficult to define roles and responsibilities. Communication can also be difficult as ensuring it reaches the intended audience can be challenging.  Do you think this seems easy to manage?             

No. Boundaryless structure does not seem easy to manage due to the lack of a clear line of authority.  

What challenges or disadvantages do you notice?            

 With the absence of the traditional hierarchical structure, communication becomes a challenge as it is difficult to know whom to communicate with in terms of decisions or specific tasks. The other challenge is that conflict resolution becomes difficult due to the lack of clear lines of authority. Lastly, the employees can also feel disconnected from the organization due to lack of clear roles and responsibilities.

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