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The concept of the No Self thesis has long been debated and discussed in the fields of philosophy and psychology. In refuting the No Self Thesis, Uddyotakara argues based on Vātsyāyana's argument who states that the existence of self is based on memory and recognition. According to Vātsyāyana's, the self is an enduring entity that persists over time, and is recognized and remembered through memory (Chakrabarti, 1999, 59). Upon recalling or recognizing an event or object, he argues that only a persistent self with past experience of the event or object allows us to do so. In contrast, Vasubandhu one of defenders of the No Self Thesis disagrees with Vātsyāyana's claim. In Vasubandhu's view, the self consists merely of a series of constantly changing mental and physical elements, with no enduring entity that persists over time (Duerlinger, 2003, Pg. 71).

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