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Media literacy

Both traditionalists and reformists would probably agree that education and literacy are intimately connected  

In my opinion while education is concerning the comprehensive maturation of an individual, creating it a full humanity that could not only access the data but it also has the capability to comprehend in larger dimensions & examine things logically, literacy primarily entails learning to read and write. 

Literacy leads to education, which typically results in independence via the gaining of required skills and information that may be employed in the individuals personal efficient operating inside a social or communal context. Individuals who are knowledgeable are seen as having superior ability to reason to those who are illiterate or lacking in any fundamental information. 

People who are more literate have the skills and information to live better lives and have a higher quality of life overall. By engaging in activities that will allow them to take use of their information and abilities, persons who are literate are also better able to utilize the education they have received. 

Additionally, literacy enables individuals to enter the workforce in order to fully capitalize on their school experience for the rewards that come in the form of earnings, wages, and other work-related advantages. 

Education's primary objective is to provide individuals with ideas and understanding they can utilise to significantly improve their quality of life. Individuals who have received an education are better equipped to reason and behave in accordance with what they already believe to be true or incorrect. Additionally, it boosts a person 's self and self-esteem by inspiring them to be more than they already are via the application of knowledge. 

Several sociologist believe that education is a key factor in helping people who will be participating in the production of human capital to reach their full cognitive capabilities. Individuals who have gotten schooling are considered to be literate since they have acquired the abilities necessary to carry out even the most basic job. 

Considering new communication technologies having a key role in the education sector of most industrialized nations, the usage of new media has expanded recently. The use of software technologies is currently exploding in the modern world, with an increase in the number of activities that are computerized and World wide web. 

With increasing organizations attempting to perform their educational activities in virtual classrooms wherein learners are not required to observe the actual class, schooling has grown increasingly computerized in today's society. Most educational institutions now include the many online programmes into their educational activities, which has considerably boosted the number of internet Users as an instructional platform. 

The Interaction of New Media, Education, and Literacy 

The broad connection between reading, education, and new media is not as clear-cut and uncomplicated as it ought to be. This is due to the fact that the influence of education on online media and literacy is purely dependent on a few factors, such as what is presented at education organizations and how much a student can absorb at one time. 

As it is the instructional content and instructional practices that form the relationships between the identified concepts, the influence that this idea has on literacy and media content will be determined by the learning programs. 

The sort of link that emerges throughout education, literacies, and new media will also depend on factors including how schooling interacts with socioeconomic settings. Social elements like a society's culture will influence its citizens' literacy levels, and it would have a significant impact on both education and modern media technologies. 


Despite its complexity, the link among literacy, schooling, and online media has been stronger over time as a result of the ongoing development of technical advancements that are intended to make our lives simpler. The use of new media in literacy background and school practices is seen as strengthening this link as more education establishments adopt it. 


Kellner, D., & Share, J. (2005). Toward Critical Media Literacy: Core concepts, debates, organizations, and policy. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 26(3), 369–386.

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