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How federalism affects business-government relations in Canada


The Constitution of Canada establishes the roles and responsibilities of Canada's federal government and its subnational governments (provinces and territories). The paper will discuss the impact of the Canadian federal government on the relationship between businesses and the government in this country. In this essay, I shall consider Canadian federalism and its impact on cross-border trade and how it has affected various government relations. The area of focus will be Ontario province which is located in Eastern Canada near the border. The reason for choosing this province as the main case study is because of its strategic position which is near the border of the USA. When looking at exports by province or territory in Canada, Ontario comes out on top, followed by Alberta, Quebec, and British Columbia. 


  • Federalism is the division of authority in a government.[1]

 Canadian Federalism                               

 How does federalism affect business-government relations in Canada? 

The goal of this essay is to introduce the complicated interrelationships between industry and government in Canada. [3]The resulting institutional and policy outcomes are analyzed and evaluated. 

Business Government Relations 

A contested, ideological and complex concept may look radically different at macro and micro levels interdisciplinary in nature foundational to how our society functions, how decisions are made, and how power is exercised. This government relations in terms of business can be viewed now on how they are affected by federalism. 

The Federal Division of power lists related to economic policy

 This list is found in the Constitutional act 1867 section 91. Through such jurisdictions, they can regulate the conduct of business in Canada. 

Federal carbon pricing 


  [1] Jesse “Business & Government Relations. “Class one.   

[2] Jesse “Business & Government Relations. “Class one.   

[3] Jesse “Business & Government Relations. “Class one.   

[4] Jesse “Business & Government Relations. “Class four.  

 [5] Jesse “Business & Government Relations. “Class four.   

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