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Designing Policies and Programs


Children who are regarded to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and two-spirit are always discriminated against within the societies they live in. The LGBTQ2S are faced with several challenges where some go beyond care. These individuals need to be identified and their sense of belonging in the community preserved. To achieve a safe place for LGBTQ2S a welcoming environment should be created for them. Some of the recommendable ways of creating a safe place for these children include; maintaining the confidentiality of these children, understanding gender identity, listening to LGBTQ2S voices and avoiding the use of heteronormative language (Tremblay,2020). Therefore, this essay will comprehensively focus on sex education to solve the social issue where LGBTQ2S+ youth experience discrimination, bullying and harassment in school. GLSEN Respect for all policy will also be described with in-depth analysis as documented below. 

Social Issue 

Sex education only supports the existence of heterosexual relationships both in society and in school. Most states always discriminate against LGBTQ2+ individuals where their issues are disregarded and schools within those regions work on a curriculum that prohibits discussion on sexual orientation and gender relevance. Lack of sex education for these groups has always contributed to unwanted pregnancies as compared to individuals in heterosexual relationships. Discrimination against LGBTQ2+ individuals has resulted in poor adolescent health and the making of uninformed decisions by these individuals due to lack of experience. LBGBTQ2+ students are mostly impacted by the problem of lack of sexual education caused by discrimination. The LGBTQ2+ always fail to enjoy the health benefits of sex education as compared to heterosexual partners as they lack relevant health information, fail to enjoy romantic relationships, lack the knowledge of having protected sex between individuals of divergent gender and constant behavior stereotyping (Dilewijns,2021). The LGBTQ2+ are always affected as they lack comfortable thinking due to misinformation, they get from their peers whom they share with the same education gap. Lack of sex education for LGBTQ2+ mostly leads to stigma with other individuals as they are negatively viewed and no individual wants to closely associate with them even in school. Stigmatization of these groups has always intensified instances of bullying within the school. Constant bullying reduces the urge of continuing with education due to the marginalization and discrimination of LGBTQ2S+ students by heterosexuals.   


GLSEN Respect for all policy aims at supporting LGBTQ2S students where all educational stakeholders are involved to reduce discrimination against this group. GLSEN Respect for all policy aims at creating a better learning environment for students so that they can meet their full educational requirements. A sense of belonging and identity is important to every individual within the community where the person lives. Therefore, the Respect for all policy aims at safeguarding the interest of LGBTQ2S+ through the following notable objectives. Reinforcing visions and mission that safeguards the interests of all LGBTQ2+ students, constant monitoring of school climate continuously, adopting non-discriminative policies in school that protect gender and sexual orientation characteristics of these students, protection students from harassment and bullying of LGBTQ2S+ students, ensuring positivity and restoration of discipline policies to minimize exploitation of these students, Ensuring that state and school policies continuously support both transgender and the LGBTQ students and ensuring that sex education is provided to students both the LGBTQ2+ and the gender-conforming students. These programs are designed for the youth themselves as they are mostly affected compared to teachers and parents (Sievers,2019). GLSEN respect for all policy is so critical as it aims at assisting LGBTQ2+ students in meeting their full educational potential through the provision of a safe and welcoming environment. Antibullying policies as provided by respect for all policy should discourage bullying of students in any scenario, the school stakeholders to constantly address instances of bullying appropriately and also identify and spell out the parental communication process on the identity and belonging of children. 

GLSEN Respect for all policy is three-dimensional and involves state implementation where the New York Public High school Athletic association allows participation of students in athletics which corresponds with the revealed gender identity, District implementation spotlight where the Kansas City Public School discourages revealing of information regarding any transgender student and School Implementation where Atherton High School which is in Jefferson county advocates for privacy in cases where students require more of it which has assisted in safeguarding their gender relevance (Sievers,2019).GLSEN Respect for all policy has positively impacted LGBTQ2+ students through its provision of desired learning environment thus perpetuating student success. The drop rates of students have been greatly reduced through the adoption of antibullying policies and the creation of restorative discipline approaches for students in schools. 


Sex education is in a position of solving the social issue of LGBTQ2S+ youth experiencing discrimination, bullying and harassment in school. GLSEN Respect for all policy has constantly promoted LGBTQ2S+ children’s identity and belonging within the societies they live in. GLSEN policy of respect for all has constantly provided information and encouraged teachers to provide relevant information regarding sex education. Sex education has reduced the rates of bullying and discrimination against LGBTQ2S students thus improving their education outcomes while decreasing school dropout rates. Schools are mandated to set welcoming mission and vision statements which incorporate LGBTQ2+ students to ensure inclusivity and fairness. Inclusive mission and vision statements reveal the valuation of each kind of child which fosters a sense of identity and belonging to them (Christel, 2022). A reinforced mission and vision statement in schools is related to inclusivity as all children despite their sexual identity are valued and respected within the school environment. Respect for all policy has assisted in the implementation of non-discrimination policies which uphold children’s identity and sense of belonging. Nondiscrimination policies such as the kind of dress code, gaining access to washrooms and participating in athletics upholds children's identity and belonging (Christel, 2022). When LGBTQ2S+ children are allowed to use the desired restrooms and wear the uniform they want reduces discrimination and promotes fairness. LGBTQ2+ students when allowed to use their desired restrooms and not restricted in any instances, discrimination will greatly be reduced due to access to freedom without violation. Respect for all policy advocates for restorative approaches in the justice process where the LGBTQ2S+ children are not targeted. This approach has constantly upheld the identity and belonging of the group. Unfairness in enforcing discipline policies to LGBTQ2s + such as removal from classrooms are limited where the justice system gives approaches to handle this group where the security personnel are trained to interact fairly with all students no matter their gender relevance (Christel,2022). District and school policies which are in line with GLSEN policy of respect for all are designed in a manner in which both transgender and gender non-conforming students are protected. Limitation of privacy of the LGBTQ2S+ should be minimized through allowing the students to use their desired name and gender and accept their own gender identities. With the above mentioned, sex education is crucial in supporting GLSEN respect for all policy in promotion of children identity and belonging. 


The LGBTQ2S+ students are faced with several disparities in their day-to-day life and interactions with heterosexuals. Constantly this group has always suffered due to limited provision of sex education. LGBTQ2S + youths experience discrimination, bullying and harassment in school due to their gender identities. GLSEN respect for all policy has strived to accommodate them through constant exercise on maintaining their identity and sense of belonging which has safeguarded their lives and improved their confidence. 


Christel, C. J. B. (2022). Middle school teachers and their engagement with early adolescent LGBTQ2+ students-a quantitative inquiry on barriers to equity.  

Dilewijns, L. (2021). How Teachers Can Provide Adequate Support for Transgender Youth in High School. 

Sievers, A. (2019). The Importance of a Positive School Climate for LGBTQ Students: A School Counselor's Role. Tremblay, N. (2020). The Exploration of LGBTQ2+ Communities. Topophilia, 28-31.

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