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An Encounter with Primal Wolves 

Night crept into the woodland trees, their height enclosing everyone who ventured inside in terror and imprisonment. The wind was howling and hissing, yelling at me to turn around before it was too late. But the thought of me leaving my friend made keep on moving forward. It was our choice to travel to these strange places outside of Toronto, where we should continue to adventure, get terrified in the process and enjoy the trip to the fullest. Our urge to go to remote regions of the nation was ultimately sparked by our desire for photography but we never would have imagined that this would turn out to be the riskiest and most fatal choice of our adventurous life. 

The terrain we used grew increasingly incline, with the force of gravity attempting to drag me down to fatigue. The exposed tree limbs chafed our faces and sliced viciously at our flesh, as if punishing us. As we climbed the hills together with my friends Asha, Jack, Liao and Tonli, I saw a deserted mansion, a few meters from us. 

“Look!” Jack pointed to the direction I saw the mansion from.  We moved towards the mansion. Its oddness prompted us to check it. 

The dilapidated mansion materialized before us, its battered front reminded us of haunting forgotten times. As we stepped through the entrance, the air seemed to thicken with anticipation, bathed with intense sense of unease. Shadows danced across the walls like specters, whispering secrets of bygone eras. 

Asha, her camera poised and ready, broke the heavy silence. "This place gives me the creeps," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. 

Jack chuckled nervously, his flashlight darting around the dimly lit interior. "Come on, Asha, where's your sense of adventure?" he teased, though his own nervousness was evident. 

Liao, ever the calm one, remained silent, his eyes scanning the room with a practiced watchfulness. Tonli, on the other hand, seemed unmoved by the eerie atmosphere, his excitement high as he surveyed the surroundings. 

I took a deep breath, trying to suppress the rising tide of fear threatening to consume me. "Let's stick together and keep our wits about us," I said, my voice steady despite the uncontrolled beat of my heart. 

As we explored deep into the mansion, the air grew colder, each step echoing gloomily in the empty halls. Cobwebs clung to every surface like a shroud, and the scent of decay hung heavy in the stagnant air. 

Suddenly, a floorboard creaked beneath our feet, the sound made echoes that cracked like gunshots. We froze, our hearts pounding in unison as we strained to discern any hint of movement. 

"It's probably just the old house settling," Jack said, though his voice wavered slightly. 

Before anyone could respond, a low, guttural growl rung through the darkness, sending shivers down our spines. Panic surged within me as I fumbled for my flashlight, the beam cutting through the gloom like a beacon of hope. 

And then, emerging from the shadows, a pair of glowing eyes fixated upon us, their intensity piercing the darkness like twin stars. A primal fear gripped me as I realized we were not alone. 

Asha let out a strangled cry, her hands shaking as she raised her camera, the flash illuminating the creature before us. It was a massive wolf, its fur matted and unkempt, its snarl revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. 

"Back away slowly," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the pounding of my heart. "Don't make any sudden movements."

But before we could retreat, a deafening roar shattered the silence, rumbling through the mansion like thunder. A second wolf emerged from the shadows, its eyes ablaze with feral hunger. 

"We need to get out of here, now!" Jack shouted, his voice tinged with panic. Together, we turned and fled, the sound of our footsteps ringing through the halls as we raced toward the exit. The wolves pursued us relentlessly, their growls echoing in our ears like a symphony of doom. 

Just as we reached the entrance, a blinding light engulfed us. And then, as quickly as it had appeared, the light vanished, leaving us standing in the cool night air, the mansion looming behind us like a menace of the past. 

We collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath as adrenaline coursed through our veins. For a moment, we lay there in silence, the enormity of what we had just experienced washing over us like a tidal wave. 

And then, slowly, we rose to our feet, our resolve unshaken despite the terror that still lingered in the air. For even though we had narrowly escaped with our lives, we knew that our thirst for adventure would never be satisfied, and that the enticement of the unknown would always beckon us forward, into the darkness of the night.

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