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An Encounter with Dracula Lou Mystic Castle 

As young children back in Fujian Tulou, there was mysterious castle we used to visit during holidays. My friends and I were young and naive which made us not take our parents warnings seriously.  The castle which was commonly called Dracula Lou was just a short distance from our village.  Being near to our village made it the most appropriate site we could always visit once we are home for holidays. 

The name Dracula Lou came into existence when Prince Dracula who visited Fujian Tulou and admired the castle. At that time, it was referred to as Mystic Castle. Upon his visit to the castle, he admired it and acquired this castle. Dracula had been on the run from Romania after his expulsion and he needed a place to hide and the best place to conceal his true identity was the castle. Him together with his disciples redesigned the castle making it look more peculiar and mysterious. 

We were told all these happenings by our parents and got warned the danger the castle carries. But we didn’t heed the warnings! We had visited the place severally and nothing strange happened to us. 

The castle itself doesn’t look that strange or horrifying. I and my friends, Bravin, Lin and Chow had played at the site severally, ate snacks from there and even slept at the entrance of the castle when we got tired of playing. This is how the castle looks like when observed from outside as you enter. At first glance, it appears as a fortress of refuge, promising shelter and solace to fatigued travelers. But upon closer look, the true nature of this unfathomable structure is revealed. Its walls, scarred by the passage of time, whisper tales of ancient rituals and forgotten horrors. Within its scary corridors, echoes of a departed era reverberate, each footstep a haunting reminder of the lives once lived within its embrace. The air is thick with a deep sense of unease, as if the very walls themselves are alive with malevolent intent. 

One summer afternoon, as the sun dipped low in the sky, casting long shadows over the village, Bravin came running to our gathering spot near the village square, excitement written all over his face. 

"Guys, you won't believe what I just found!" Bravin exclaimed, breathless from his sprint. 

"What is it?" Lin asked eagerly, while Chow and I exchanged curious glances. 

"I was exploring the old castle again, and I found a hidden passage!" Bravin said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. 

"A hidden passage?" I echoed, my interest piqued. 

"Yeah, it's behind one of the tapestries in the main hall. I stumbled upon it by accident," Bravin explained, gesturing animatedly. 

Chow's eyes widened. "Do you think we should check it out?" 

"Absolutely!" Lin exclaimed, already getting to his feet. "This sounds like an adventure!" 

Despite the warnings we'd received about the castle, the appeal of adventure was too strong to resist. With Bravin leading the way, we hurried to the castle, the fading light casting eerie shadows around us. 

Once inside the main hall, Bravin led us to a large rock cover depicting a scene from ancient times.  To our surprise, we have been seeing the rock during our visits but we assumed it’s just a rock like any other. We didn’t notice its strange outlook.  Together, we pushed the cover of the entrance to the left revealing a hidden passageway behind it. Excitement and anxiety mingled as we stepped into the darkness, the air growing cooler around us. 

As we ventured deeper into the passageway, the faint sound of footsteps echoed off the stone walls. Our hearts pounded in our chests as we exchanged nervous glances. "Do you think someone else is here?" Chow whispered; his voice barely audible. 

"I don't know," Bravin replied, his own voice tinged with uncertainty. "But we should proceed with caution." 

With Bravin in the lead, we continued down the passageway, the darkness enveloping us like a shroud. Suddenly, a faint glow appeared ahead, drawing us closer with its creepy appeal. 

As we rounded a corner, we came upon a chamber bathed in an unearthly light. In the center of the room stood an ornate pedestal, upon which rested a gleaming artifact. 

"What is that?" Lin asked, his voice barely a whisper. 

"I don't know," I replied, stepping closer to get a better look. 

Before any of us could react, a voice boomed from the shadows, causing us to jump in fright. 

"Who dares to trespass in my domain?" a husky manly voice demanded, sending chills down our spines. 

Turning slowly, we came face to face with a figure cloaked in darkness, his eyes polished with an ghostly light. 

"We... we didn't mean any harm," Bravin stammered, taking a cautious step backward. 

The figure watched us for a moment before speaking again, his voice softening slightly. 

"You have trespassed into a realm beyond your understanding," he said. "But perhaps there is still hope for you yet." 

With a wave of his hand, the figure disappeared into the shadows, leaving us standing in stunned silence. 

As we made our way out of the castle, the events of the evening swirling in our minds, we knew that our lives would never be the same. We had embarked on an adventure unlike any other, one that would change us in ways we could never have imagined. And as we looked back at a distance, we couldn't help but wonder what other secrets it held within its ancient walls. However, we learned a hard lesson, never ignore your parents’ warnings, they have lived for long and have seen a lot that you haven’t seen!

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