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Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships 2025-2026 for Researchers

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships provide an exceptional opportunity for young researchers and artists worldwide to study, conduct research, and foster collaboration in Switzerland. This prestigious program, offered by the Swiss Confederation, promotes international exchange and research cooperation between Switzerland and over 180 countries. Managed by the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), this scholarship program is highly competitive, designed to attract outstanding scholars and artists.

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are offered annually to postgraduate researchers, Ph.D. students, postdoctoral researchers, and artists with a bachelor’s degree. These scholarships help advance academic careers, offer access to top Swiss research institutions, and promote innovative international partnerships.This article will guide you through the types of scholarships offered, the application procedure, selection criteria, and additional essential information to help applicants interested in this prestigious program.

Overview of the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships

Each year, the Swiss Confederation awards these scholarships to foster international academic exchange and research cooperation. The scholarships are available to scholars from various disciplines, including science, arts, humanities, and social sciences, and are aimed at both academic and artistic fields.The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are classified into two primary categories:

1. Research Scholarships

Research scholarships are available for postgraduate researchers planning to come to Switzerland to pursue research or further studies at the doctoral or postdoctoral level. These scholarships are aimed at young researchers who hold at least a master’s degree and are seeking to expand their academic expertise.


      • Applicants must hold a recognized master’s degree.
      • The scholarships are open to researchers in any discipline.
      • Applicants must have a letter of invitation from a professor at a recognized Swiss institution.
      • Candidates must demonstrate the potential for future research collaboration and contribute to Switzerland’s research landscape.

2. Art Scholarships

Art scholarships are granted to students wishing to pursue a master’s degree in the arts in Switzerland. These scholarships are available to applicants from a select number of countries and are focused on fostering innovation and creativity in the field of arts and culture.


      • Candidates must hold a bachelor’s degree in the arts.
      • The scholarships are open to students pursuing a master’s degree at a Swiss university of the arts or a Swiss conservatory.
      • Artists from select countries are eligible to apply.

Research Scholarship Types

The research scholarships are further divided into three subcategories:

1. Research Fellowship

The research fellowship is available for postgraduate students who are planning to undertake research at a Swiss institution. This fellowship is ideal for those who have completed their master’s degree and are seeking an opportunity to conduct research in Switzerland.

2. Ph.D. Scholarship

Ph.D. scholarships are awarded to students who have completed their master’s degree and are aiming to pursue a doctoral program at a Swiss university. Candidates must demonstrate strong research potential and have an invitation from a professor at a Swiss institution.

3. Postdoctoral Scholarship

Postdoctoral scholarships are intended for researchers who have already obtained a Ph.D. and are looking to further their research in Switzerland. This scholarship provides opportunities for early-career researchers to advance their academic careers and contribute to their respective fields.

Other Related Opportunities:

1. Apply for Orange Knowledge Scholarship 2025 in Netherlands

2. Danish Government Scholarships at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

Application Procedure

Applying for the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship is a multi-step process that requires careful preparation and attention to detail. Below is a breakdown of the key stages involved in the application process:

1. Release of Program for Over 180 Countries

The scholarship program is released each year in early August, and applicants from over 180 countries are eligible to apply. Interested candidates should visit the official scholarship website to access the most up-to-date information.

2. Call for Applications

The official call for applications is released in September, and candidates can download the application documents from the scholarship portal. These documents provide all the necessary information, including eligibility criteria, application requirements, and deadlines.

3. Preparing the Application

Applicants must carefully prepare their application, which typically includes the following:

      • A completed application form.
      • A detailed research proposal or statement of artistic work.
      • Letters of support from academic or artistic supervisors.
      • Letters of reference and recommendation.
      • Academic transcripts and relevant certificates.

4. Submission Deadline

The deadline for submission varies depending on the applicant's country of origin. Typically, the submission period runs from September to December. Applicants must submit two complete copies of their application to the relevant Swiss representation in their country before the deadline.

How to Apply

To apply for the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship, applicants must first select their country of origin according to their passport. This will determine the types of scholarships available, the specific eligibility criteria, and the deadlines for submission. Candidates can access the scholarship details for their respective countries through the official Swiss Government scholarship website.

Applicants are encouraged to read the application guidelines carefully and contact the relevant offices in their country for any clarifications. These guidelines outline the application process, eligibility requirements, and necessary documentation.

Selection Process

The selection process for the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships is highly competitive and is carried out in multiple stages. After the initial screening by the national authorities or Swiss diplomatic representation, shortlisted applications are assessed by the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS).The FCS evaluates scholarship applications based on three primary criteria:

  1. Candidate Profile: The applicant’s academic background, research potential, or artistic achievements are thoroughly reviewed. Only candidates who demonstrate outstanding academic or artistic excellence will be considered.
  2. Quality of Research or Artistic Work: The research proposal or artistic project must be innovative, feasible, and contribute to the advancement of the applicant’s field of study or artistic practice.
  3. Synergies and Potential for Future Research Cooperation: The scholarship committee assesses whether the candidate's research or artistic work aligns with Switzerland's broader academic and research goals, as well as the potential for future collaboration.

Scholarship awards are determined by the FCS based on these criteria. Applicants will be notified of the final decision by the end of May 2025.

Awards and Benefits

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships offer various financial and academic benefits to successful applicants. Scholarship holders receive the following:

      • Tuition Fee Waiver: The scholarship covers the cost of tuition for the duration of the recipient’s studies or research in Switzerland.
      • Monthly Stipend: Recipients receive a monthly stipend to cover living expenses, accommodation, and other necessities.
      • Health Insurance: The scholarship provides coverage for health insurance during the recipient’s stay in Switzerland.
      • Access to Swiss Academic Institutions: Scholarship holders gain access to Switzerland’s world-class academic institutions, including cantonal universities, federal institutes of technology, and universities of applied sciences.
      • Research Networking Opportunities: Scholars benefit from collaboration with Swiss researchers, experts, and academic networks, fostering long-term international partnerships.

Key Dates

      • August 2024: Release of the scholarship program.
      • September - December 2024: Submission of applications.
      • May 2025: Final selection of scholarship recipients.
      • September 2025: Start of the scholarship at the Swiss host institution.

To apply, visit the official Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships.

Outlook for the 2025-2026 Academic Year

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships offer a transformative experience for scholars and artists worldwide. The opportunity to study in Switzerland, engage with leading academic institutions, and contribute to cutting-edge research provides a solid foundation for career advancement. Scholars benefit from Switzerland’s innovative research environment and gain international recognition for their work.

By the end of May 2025, the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS) will have selected the scholarship holders for the 2025-26 academic year. These awards will be announced, and recipients will be invited to join Switzerland’s dynamic academic and research community.

The 2025-26 scholarships will be advertised online from August 2025, and prospective applicants are encouraged to prepare early and gather the necessary documentation.

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships offer an incredible opportunity for international scholars and artists to pursue advanced research or artistic projects in Switzerland. With its world-class academic institutions, interdisciplinary research environment, and a commitment to fostering international collaboration, Switzerland stands as an ideal destination for higher education and research. The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships have the power to change lives, open doors to global opportunities, and pave the way for innovative research and artistic achievements.

For more information, eligibility criteria, and application guidelines, visit the official Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships website.