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Socrates raises the concern as to whether the love of the gods is a result of the piety itself or if the piety exists solely because of the love of the gods. Both Socrates and Euthyphro consider the first possibility: the gods must love the pious because they are the pious. Therefore, Socrates contends, we must reject the second possibility, as the love of the gods cannot account for the pious's piety (Cooper 77). Similarly, Jay-Z’s verse “Pious pious 'cause God loves pious? Socrates asks, "Whose bias do y'all seek?" All for Plato, screech” reflects on Socrates' doubts about piety and its relationship to divine sanction (Jay-Z & Kanye West 1:31-1:36). The idea that piety is intrinsically moral because the gods approve of it is refuted by Socrates.

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