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Access to medical care in the U.S is among the significant problems facing its healthcare system. Access to medical care is usually associated with income and affordability, which means only those who can afford the medical care are the ones who will receive the care. Timely access to medical healthcare services may be affected by three attributes of the healthcare system. These factors include the cost of care and its affordability for people, the burden from the administration that individuals face when obtaining and receiving care, and disparities or inequalities in the delivery of care based on income, educational attainment, race or ethnic background, other non-clinical personal characteristics. Studies show cost, administrative burden, and disparities can demoralize an individual from seeking or continuing medical care (Schneider & Squires 901-904). Individuals with lower educational levels or minority status are significantly affected as they don't get the medical attention others get. However, provision of appropriate insurance and reduction of both administrative burden and disparities are essential strategies for achieving a high-performing healthcare system.

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