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As a demagogue, Julius Caesar always assumed a role of a hero by leading common people as they wanted. Through his political office, Caesar was able to evade criminal prosecution and courageously accorded favors and lands to his creditors. This is seen when he got rid of his creditors, who had held him up by sureties' methods. He also exiled Marcus Bibulus to his home in regard to the threat of violence and advanced to rule as a sole Console for some time. In order for him to maintain loyalty from crucial political allies, Caesar used agreements, oaths, written documents, pardons, debts and endorsed the idea that he was benevolent. Being a demagogue, he provided a democratic environment for his nation. As a ruler, Caesar further managed to expand Rome's territories, consequently making Rome an empire from a republic. Caesar was as well able to come up with conditions for a later extension to make his kingdom one of history's fantastic realms. He also changed the Roman government and society by being a sole helper to those in legal difficulties. Other than being victorious against political allies, he also enrolled additional patricians, and added the number of quaestors, aediles, and praetors, and provided reinforcement to those who had been disgraced by official action. As such, various leaders emulated Caesar's leadership since it was inspiring and exemplary.

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