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In his text "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", Mark Twain satirizes the "civilized" nature of American society, including racist remarks. Although most people strongly support discrimination against slaves, Huck often finds himself in contradiction with these conventional standards and beliefs. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn uses Huck as an example of society misusing youth and Huck showing defiance by rejecting civilization completely. Firstly, following years of mistreatment at the hands of his father, Huck begins to doubt humanity's Huck chooses to live with Pap rather than the Widow Douglas, who tried to civilize him by demanding that he be brought up to "eat on a plate" and "comb up" (Twain 31). Because the Widow forbids him from participating in certain activities but Pap approves of them, he believes society's "rules" are wrong.

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