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What you eat and drink can really change you, not just in diet or size but also your mental capacity. In this modern era, caffeine has become one of the most consumed drug in the world. Too much consumption of caffeine has raised a need to develop an extensive number of experiments to find the effects of caffeine on cognitive functions. Several researchers have shown that coffee improves the cognitive functions of individuals. However, other studies have indicated that consuming coffee has zero correlation to cognitive functioning and no improvement is recorded upon its consumption. In a study review, the researchers explained that the usage of a certain amount of coffee improves cognitive functions (McLellan et al. 294-312). Based on the authors' argument, 1, 3, 7-trimethylxanthine is absorbed faster and reaches all tissues within a short time. As such, the compound can efficiently reach the brain due to its ability to cross the brain barrier. Within the brain, it exerts different effects such as increased attention and activity, among others. At a metabolic level, the compound has been shown to block adenosine receptors. The receptors are expressed in the brain and the neighbouring tissues. The authors noted that blocking the second subtype receptor enhances the stimulatory impacts of dopamine on motor activity. Direct modulation of the first adenosine receptor is realized with the ingestion of about 32-300 milligrams of caffeine. Coffee beverages contain a phytochemical called caffeine. Roasted coffee berry seeds from a coffee plant are the source of the ingredient. Coffee has been used to manufacture various drinks since immemorial time.

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What you eat and drink can really change you, not just in diet or size but also your mental capacity. In this modern era, caffeine has become one of the most consumed drugs in the world. Too much consumption of caffeine has raised a need to develop an extensive number of experiments to find the effects of caffeine on cognitive functions.

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