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Elderly people tend to experience medical problems most often as a result of weakening immune systems as they age. Diabetes is among the most common medical complications that the elderly face in the U.K and all over the world. Diabetes mellitus commonly known as diabetes is a medical condition used to describe diseases that affect blood sugar levels in the human body. Glucose plays a crucial in a human’s body since it provides energy to the body. Diabetes among the aging population appears unique as compared to other populations. In the elderly, the pathophysiology of this disorder differs, so the therapy approach should be different too (Meneilly, n.d). Diabetes incidence and prevalence increase with age for a number of reasons. It is evident that genetic influences play a role in this disease (Kahn, 1994, Pg. 1066-1085). Therefore, in families with a history of diabetes, the risk of developing the disease increases with age, though no gene responsible has been identified. Additionally, certain ethnicities are more likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes than others, indicating a genetic predisposition (Lipton et al., 1993, Pg. 826-839).

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