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Excessive consumption of alcohol is a growing concern affecting Indigenous communities in Canada. The continuous use of alcohol reflects to the historical and contemporary challenges faced by Indigenous Communities. The intergenerational of these effects which include colonization, marginalization, and limited access to resources have significantly contributed to the high incidence of alcohol use and drug addiction among Indigenous communities. The issue of alcohol abuse is personal significance to this population as it reflects the ongoing struggles and injustices experienced by the Indigenous community regarding alcohol consumption (Weatherson et al., 2021). Alcohol use, and drug addiction, have led to adverse consequences on the health, social structure, and general well-being of Indigenous communities. Therefore, it is crucial to study the existing organizations and nonprofit agencies that are committed to addressing alcohol use among Indigenous communities. Through analysis of their efforts, we can gain insights into the methods, obstacles, and achievements in preventing addiction within these communities. This research essay aims to highlight the initiatives of these organizations, taking into account a comprehensive understanding of the social determinants of health, cultural factors, and the interplay between historical factors and contemporary challenges.

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