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In his 2018 article “Why Technology Favors Tyranny” Yunal Noah Harari argues that the advancements taking place in the field of Artificial Intelligence pose a great threat to the structures and the gains that democracy has achieved over the last decades including liberty and equality. Harari constructs a strong argument by using examples of real-world developments to demonstrate that humans are becoming increasingly worried of being irrelevant as the world starts to rely more on AI. Harari confirms this fear as valid and argues that a new class of useless human will develop.

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In his 2018 article “Why Technology Favors Tyranny” Yunal Noah Harari argues that the advancements taking place in the field of Artificial Intelligence pose a great threat to the structures and the gains that democracy has achieved over the last decades including liberty and equality. Harari constructs a strong argument by using examples of real-world developments to demonstrate that humans are becoming increasingly worried of being irrelevant as the world starts to rely more on AI. Harari confirms this fear as valid and argues that a new class of useless human will develop. As a result, these people will become easier to control. Harari argues that AI will concentrate power in the hands of a few elites who will be able to control the class of useless humans thus creating tyrants and revering all the gains that democracy has made if people do not take the necessary steps to avoid such a situation.

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