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Elderly people tend to experience medical problems most often as a result of weakening immune systems as they age. Diabetes is among the most common medical complications that the elderly face in the U.K and all over the world. Diabetes mellitus commonly known as diabetes is a medical condition used to describe diseases that affect blood sugar levels in the human body. Glucose plays a crucial in a human’s body since it provides energy to the body. Diabetes among the aging population appears unique as compared to other populations. In the elderly, the pathophysiology of this disorder differs, so the therapy approach should be different too (Meneilly, n.d). Diabetes incidence and prevalence increase with age for a number of reasons. It is evident that genetic influences play a role in this disease (Kahn, 1994, Pg. 1066-1085). Therefore, in families with a history of diabetes, the risk of developing the disease increases with age, though no gene responsible has been identified. Additionally, certain ethnicities are more likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes than others, indicating a genetic predisposition (Lipton et al., 1993, Pg. 826-839).

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On 1st June, 2019, the two companies i.e. Salesforce and Tableau informed the public of the definitive agreement under which Salesforce would acquire Tableau (Nina, 2020). The main reason for the acquisition was to form a platform where teams can collaborate to give real-time customer support hence uniting the customers where necessary. The acquisition deal was $15.7 billion. Immediately after the acquisition, Salesforce informed the public that it would integrate Einstein Analytics with the firm acquired and will be renamed Tableau CRM. Salesforce hopes to achieve an easy tactic of connecting any information with the integration and helps it in faster decision making. The deal stated that Tableau shareholders would get 1.103 Salesforce stocks, this is valued at $177.88 per stock, showing a bonus of 42% to the then Tableau’s closing amount. The plan was completed on 1st August, 2019. It owns Tableau 100%.

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The residential schools were introduced in Canada around 1831 and made it mandatory that all indigenous children as young as 4 attend the schools until they became 18 years old. The boarding schools for the indigenous people were funded by the Canadian government and were under the Christian church’s administration. The Residential schools forcefully took the children from their families and forced the students to assimilate into the Euro-Canadian culture by prohibiting them from using their native language and practicing their culture and religion. The objective of the residential school was to “kill the Indian in the Child” and in doing so, took the aboriginal children from their families, forced them to adopt new education and drop their culture and religion, and abused the students in several ways in order to assimilate their culture and make them more European.

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Q1. 1. If we consider the story to be an example of satire, then what idea, issue or situation is the target of the satire in " A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings" Q2. 2. Why are the townspeople more interested in the Spider Woman than the angel? What does this say about human nature? Q3. 3. The story is full of fantastic imagery. Identify some of your favorites and explain how those images support a major theme of the story.

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There are seven main approaches to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). It is recommended that these dimensions are followed by all ABA practitioners should follow. Hence, when developing a treatment plan, the following seven elements should be considered: behavioral, applied, technological, conceptually systematic, analytic, general, and effective. Each of these objectives contributes to Behavior Analysts' ultimate goal of providing meaningful change to children and families in settings other than where it is taught.

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Slavery together with the interpretation of the federal versus state powers in the Constitution of the United States is regarded as the main political and constitutional challenges witnessed in the 1850s that showed unrest for Georgia as one of the United States members. This paper will majorly discuss the political and constitutional issues of the 1850s that showed unrest for Georgia as one of the United States members

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APA Criminal Law Paper

There has been a great debate on the relationship between social class and crime in criminology. Crime mostly being related to individuals at low-class lifestyle and justice being distributed unfairly is a phenomenon that has caused significant conflict from different views. There is an assumption of a low-class lifestyle being inherently criminogenic. It is assumed that crime was mainly a lower-class phenomenon (Hagan & Peterson, 1995). Individuals from low-class lifestyles are most likely to get convicted for crimes.

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Digital Marketing Strategy (APA 6th Edition)

With current situation of COVID-19, marketers are facing challenges especially those ones who have not embraced digital marketing. The world have turned into online marketing for fear of contracting of COVID-19. This shows that it is either the marketer embraces digital marketing or the business fails as potential buyers are at home and no one will opt to go buy goods or get services outside for the fear of getting infected with Corona Virus. Most business owners don’t have an incorporated plan for growing and engaging their audience (Customers) in an effective way. Lack of a proper plan with the current situation, will face difficult times accessing their potential customers.

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Hala Alyan is a Palestinian-American writer and clinical clinician whose work has showed up in various diaries including The Missouri Review, Prairie Schooner, and Colorado Review. She is the writer of Atrium: Poems, which was granted the 2013 Arab American Book Award, and Four Cities, as of late delivered by Black Lawrence Press (Salam et al. 3). Her most recent assortment, Hijra (Crab Orchard Series in Poetry) was chosen as a victor of the 2015 Crab Orchard Series in Poetry and will be distributed by Southern Illinois University Press. In this essay, major emphasis would be on the explication of the poem known as Asylum that was one of the famous poems that were produced by Hala Alyan Poet who had been born as a clinical psychologist.

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Black Women Abolitionists and the Fight for Freedom in the 19th Century

Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman are well-known women personalities in America because of their great contribution to the abolitionist movement. A lot other black women played a major role in the movement; however, the effort most black women had done to stop slavery had been ignored for long until scholarship during the late 20th century. Although most black women had opted for poorly paying jobs such as laundress and domestic jobs, some of them came from middle-class families. Despite the difference in their jobs or lifestyle abolitionist movement meant a lot to all of them.

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Employment Rights Case Scenario

We are all aware of employee rights, which are powers and privileges bestowed upon an organization's workers from a set of laws or traditions. This rights are an essential aspect of managing human resources as they protect workers from their employers' exploitation, such as my case whereby Bruno Caron threatened us if we did not comply with the changes he made to improve sales without consulting anyone.

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In his 2018 article “Why Technology Favors Tyranny” Yunal Noah Harari argues that the advancements taking place in the field of Artificial Intelligence pose a great threat to the structures and the gains that democracy has achieved over the last decades including liberty and equality. Harari constructs a strong argument by using examples of real-world developments to demonstrate that humans are becoming increasingly worried of being irrelevant as the world starts to rely more on AI. Harari confirms this fear as valid and argues that a new class of useless human will develop. As a result, these people will become easier to control. Harari argues that AI will concentrate power in the hands of a few elites who will be able to control the class of useless humans thus creating tyrants and revering all the gains that democracy has made if people do not take the necessary steps to avoid such a situation.

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